國外JD研究生回台實習 - 律師工作討論
![Yuri avatar](/img/woman-biz.jpg)
By Yuri
at 2008-03-25T23:58
at 2008-03-25T23:58
Table of Contents
LLM是Master of Laws 專門給外國人唸的一年制法學碩士
JD是學士後法學碩士 讓已經有大學學位的本國人唸的三年制法學碩士
外國人就算唸完LLM考上米國律師 通常也要再唸JD才比較可能在米國找到工作
至於SJD或JSD (每個學校不同) 則是法學博士
1.LLM唸完 然後 考上米國律師 然後回台灣執業 然後名片上可以印是美國律師
2.LLM唸完 然後唸JD 然後留在美國工作
3.LLM唸完 然後唸SJD 然後回來台灣當教授
去美國LLM, JD, SJD通通都唸完了 畢業後有留在美國當過律師 要回來台灣走學術也可
※ 引述《realann (realann)》之銘言:
: 請問大家。SJD、JD、LLM、PHD的差別。
: 下面文章是哈佛法學院刊的文章
: http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2008/03/24_ma.php
: 上面說馬英九是SJD
: 呂秀蓮是LLM
: 陳公子今秋唸JD
: 連公子好像也是哥倫比亞的,但是不知道是唸哪一種的
: 又,差別在哪
: 謝謝各位高手回答
: Born in Hong Kong, Ma and his family moved to Taiwan when he was a year old.
: A graduate of the Law School's S.J.D. program, Ma will be inaugurated on May
: 20 and begin serving a four-year term. He is 57.
: Ma is not the only HLS alum to rise through the ranks of Taiwanese politics.
: Annette Hsiu-lien Lu LL.M. ’78, a member of the DPP, served as vice
: president for two terms. Lu did not receive her party's nomination for
: president earlier this year.
: Other Harvard Law graduates to serve as heads of state include former Ireland
: president Mary Robinson LL.M. '68, and former U.S. president Rutherford B.
: Hayes, a member of the HLS class of 1845.
JD是學士後法學碩士 讓已經有大學學位的本國人唸的三年制法學碩士
外國人就算唸完LLM考上米國律師 通常也要再唸JD才比較可能在米國找到工作
至於SJD或JSD (每個學校不同) 則是法學博士
1.LLM唸完 然後 考上米國律師 然後回台灣執業 然後名片上可以印是美國律師
2.LLM唸完 然後唸JD 然後留在美國工作
3.LLM唸完 然後唸SJD 然後回來台灣當教授
去美國LLM, JD, SJD通通都唸完了 畢業後有留在美國當過律師 要回來台灣走學術也可
※ 引述《realann (realann)》之銘言:
: 請問大家。SJD、JD、LLM、PHD的差別。
: 下面文章是哈佛法學院刊的文章
: http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2008/03/24_ma.php
: 上面說馬英九是SJD
: 呂秀蓮是LLM
: 陳公子今秋唸JD
: 連公子好像也是哥倫比亞的,但是不知道是唸哪一種的
: 又,差別在哪
: 謝謝各位高手回答
: Born in Hong Kong, Ma and his family moved to Taiwan when he was a year old.
: A graduate of the Law School's S.J.D. program, Ma will be inaugurated on May
: 20 and begin serving a four-year term. He is 57.
: Ma is not the only HLS alum to rise through the ranks of Taiwanese politics.
: Annette Hsiu-lien Lu LL.M. ’78, a member of the DPP, served as vice
: president for two terms. Lu did not receive her party's nomination for
: president earlier this year.
: Other Harvard Law graduates to serve as heads of state include former Ireland
: president Mary Robinson LL.M. '68, and former U.S. president Rutherford B.
: Hayes, a member of the HLS class of 1845.
All Comments
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