外商Web-based Application Development - 工程師

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-10-11T22:01

Table of Contents

Robert Walters 代外商徵

Web-based Application Development (full stack)

‧ Design and implement social media enterprise products with minimal
‧ Participate in design discussion and reviews with product managers
‧ Production support

‧ 3- 5+ years experience with a Bachelor degree in Computer Science (MS a
‧ Strong experiences in J2EE, AJAX, JavaScript, MVC model
‧ Highly competitive Java skills and agile development methodologies.
‧ Strong problem solving, critical thinking, and algorithm skills.
‧ Outstanding communication and teamwork skills.
‧ Passion for programming.
‧ Excellent written and verbal English skills
‧ Familiar with Spring, Hibernate, Google Closure, MySQL


【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00--18:00


Monthly package: 80K-120K


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]


All Comments


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2015-10-11T21:28
※ 引述《stosto (樹多)》之銘言: : 賣雞排不知道,不過賣鹹酥雞我知道 : 不是加盟的,所有東西都自己備料 : 地點在南部的某個區鬧區附近,夫親兩人� ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-10-11T19:49
※ 引述《SSGG5566 (^^56)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《stosto (樹多)》之銘言: : : 賣雞排不知道,不過賣鹹酥雞我知道 : : 不是加盟的,所有東西都自己備料 : : 地 ...

台積電打趴三星 傳蘋果加碼下訂單

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-10-11T18:40
台積電打趴三星 傳蘋果加碼下訂單 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20151011/709077/ 台積電真正是台灣之光! 今日出刊的《蘋果》報導,iPhone ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-10-11T17:36
hi all, 最近小弟應徵上心儀的公司,在上周四拿到offer letter 在這個offer letter中,有份試用期同意書,小弟其實心裡 好奇了一下,像是這種文件是每一� ...


James avatar
By James
at 2015-10-11T12:00
※ 引述《bryan21825ll (拐子矮)》之銘言: : 大學畢業後在這間系統廠也工作三年多了 : 在這裡蠻得主管緣的,常常把一些比較重要的案子交給我 : 再讓我� ...