如何shop for mortgage? - 海外工作

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-04-12T03:44

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20% downpayment
75% 5/1 ARM 4% no point
5% 2nd mortgage 20yr fixed 7.74% no point

可能是如果是80%都是1st mortgage, interest rate會高上去
可是2nd mortgage不能抵稅
想去問一下80% 1st mortgage會是怎樣



All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-04-14T02:12
2nd mortgage一樣可以tax deductible
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-04-17T15:47
結果問了可以1st 80%一樣利率 不知道為什麼要這樣算...
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-04-18T09:26
仔細看了closing costs發現80%要一樣的rate要1point
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-04-20T14:16
你的房子是condo/townhome嗎? 有時候lender只肯借75%
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-04-21T12:30
沒錯是condo 剛剛跟另一個loan officer談 condo一定要75%
不然就是rate會提高或要用point buy down 說是跟formula
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-04-25T12:05
有關 所以不管找什麼lender都有這樣的差異
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-04-28T16:08
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2010-05-01T11:35
以後401k/IRA也先少放,優先把高利息的2nd loan壓低/還清
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-05-02T06:41
除非要住很多年,否則point buydown划不來;就先兩個loan吧
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-05-04T03:56
0.125-0.25 第二個快8%很嚇人阿 可能在台灣貸那5%本金都划
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-05-07T13:51
少打一行...要先說的是75%跟80%的interest rate大概差
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-05-09T07:07


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-04-09T13:19
※ 引述《kktop1979 (123)》之銘言: : 跟住在紐約的non-resident分享一下tax return的資訊 : * check list: it203, it2, it203b : *instruction: : http://www.isso.cornell.edu/tax ...

如何shop for mortgage?

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-04-09T07:29
大概是因為ptt3當了好幾天 所以homeowner板上都沒人回我 如果不適合這個版還請版主告知 之前準備開始看房子的時候 是先利用工作提供的free approval servic ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-04-09T05:43
最近收到學校寄來的信,上面寫 For nonresident aliens performing services within the United States, federal income taxes increased for wages paid on or after January 1, 2010. If you are ...

FORM 8917/ line 34 on 1040 tuition deduction

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-04-08T13:29
Hi, I read pub 519 and 1040i.. An alien resident (GC) can claim a F1 spouse as dependent. could I fill Form8917 to further deduct the adjusted gross income? since the F1 spouse just adjust status th ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-04-08T02:23
想知道自己貢獻給加州佔多大比率的人. 可以瞧一瞧.加州全靠有錢人在養一堆老墨和小黑... http://www.sacbee.com/2010/03/31/2648102/californiataxes.html 85%稅收來自 ...