工業機具操作及維護手冊 英翻中 - 翻譯

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-12-29T15:12

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[必]所屬領域: 工業工程(抽水泵)
[必]文件類型: 操作與維護手冊
[必]截 稿 日: 2015/1/4 5:00PM
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Procedures for starting and operation of different types of pumps are as

(a) Centrifugal Pump (of low and medium specific speed)

i) To start a centrifugal pump, the suction pipes and the pump should be
fully primed
irrespective of the fact whether the pump is with positive (flooded) suction
suction lift.
The centrifugal pump with positive suction can be primed by opening valve on
suction side and letting out air from the casing by opening air vent.
Centrifugal pump on suction lift necessitates close attention to prime the
pump fully.
To achieve this, the suction pipe and the pump casing must be filled with
and entire air in suction piping and the pump must be removed. If vacuum pump
is provided, the pump can be primed by operating vacuum pump till steady
of water is let out from delivery of vacuum pump. In absence of vacuum pump,
priming can be done by pouring water in casing and evacuating air through air
or by admitting water from pumping main by opening bypass of reflux valve and
delivery valve. Check all joints in the suction pipe and fittings.

ii) Close the delivery valve and then loosen slightly.

iii) Switch on the motor, check that direction of rotation is correct. If the
pump does
not rotate, it should be switched off immediately.

iv) Check vacuum gauge if the pump operates on suction lift. If the pointer
on gauge
gradually rises and becomes steady the priming is proper.

v) Pressure gauge should be observed after starting the pump. If the pump is
correctly the delivery pressure gauge should rise steadily to shut off head.

vi) When the motor attains steady speed and pressure gauge becomes steady, the
delivery valve should be gradually opened in steps to ensure that the head
does not
drop below recommended limit. (in the absence of recommendations, the limit
be about 85% of duty head for centrifugal pump).

vii) Check that ammeter reading is less than rated motor current.

viii) Check for undue vibration and noise.
ix) When in operation for about 10-15 minutes, check the bearing temperature,
stuffing box packing, and leakage through mechanical seal and observe
if any.

x) Voltage should be checked every half an hour and should be within limit.

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Tags: 翻譯

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