徵才 AE-Dorado Design Automation - 海外工作

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2017-03-03T17:56

Table of Contents

Hi all,

My company Dorado Design Automation (www.dorado-da.com) has
Application Engineer openings:

Full Time Application Engineer in EDA company - Sunnyvale and San Diego, CA

We develop and market EDA Tools for most of the leading companies in
the IC design industry. You will work on very advanced design with
top-tier engineers (customers) and develop the leading-edge tools for
the industry.

I am currently working in Sunnyvale,CA as a application engineer and my
team is eager to fill several application engineer spots that we
currently have. If you are interested in any opening, please send your
resume to [email protected] . so that I can send you the jobvite
referral to get your application on top of those non-referral candidates.

thanks for your interested,
Good Luck to everyone



All Comments


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-03-03T01:18
幾年海外打滾工作,待過幾間local hire的台商,有些經驗讓人匪夷所思,是否在海外的 台商因爲沒有台灣勞基法的牽制就可為所欲為,海外工作者遇到勞 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-02-26T13:23
[東南亞][泰國][客戶溝通] Thoughts : 1. 泰國人似乎都有一個很順口的暱稱, 有的叫Big, small, Oil, 五花八門應有盡有,ꀊ如果我們還停留在稱呼客戶全名的關�� ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-02-24T22:41
各位好,想請問在香港金融業工作,英文要到什麼程度才夠用,這裡指的工作不是那種超 猛神缺(google,投行那些各個名校ivy native speaker),而是指一般Jobs ...

柏林 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 徵 SDE

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-02-22T07:23
大家好, 我們是 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 在德國柏林的團隊, 現在有徵從 Junior 到 Senior 甚至 Principal 各種等級的 SDE https://goo.gl/yiHpBq https://www.amazon.jobs/en/sea ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-02-21T23:39
[東南亞][泰國][趣聞] Thoughts : 做食衣住行等貼近生活的新創公司進入新的國家,可能會遇到意想不到的挑戰, 可能在原 本國家似乎一切合情合理,到了另� ...