徵才 .NET工程師 - 福利

By Candice
at 2013-02-17T14:30
at 2013-02-17T14:30
Table of Contents
公司:McMurry Inc.
- 3+ years working with .NET 2.0 or above required (.NET 4.0 preferred)
- MVC architecture experience required
- 2+ years C# experience required
- Experience with XML, Web Services, and SQL Server 2008
- Experience with IIS clustering a plus
- Ability to work as part of a team, understanding problems from another team members perspective, and, when necessary, go above and beyond the job description to work towards a broader team goal
- Willingness to learn
- Great problem-solving skills
- Ability to handle a fast-paced work environment, deadlines and new challenges
- Superior verbal, written, and communication skills
- Ability to consistently deliver on time and on budget
- Experience working within an agency environment a plus
待遇:est 60~80k USD
(但以能數年排入全國最佳雇主前幾名的實力來說 我想待遇一定高於當地業界水平)
公司福利待遇佳,氣氛非常融洽、沒有繁文縟節 經常有免費的好食物
在申請H1B方面 在此亦沒有明確說明(可能不先假設有外國人申請)
我在這裡工作了一年多,做的是marketing的工作 公司會幫我申請H1B
如果有興趣可以將英文履歷寄給我:[email protected]
ps. 很少上ppt 如有問題請盡量寄信聯繫
All Comments

By Daph Bay
at 2013-02-22T07:41
at 2013-02-22T07:41

By Leila
at 2013-02-22T20:14
at 2013-02-22T20:14
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