徵才 Scientist - Flow Cytometry (LA) - 海外工作

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2022-03-24T12:06

Table of Contents

大家好 我們醫院 (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles) 在徵人
有興趣的朋友可以站內信聯繫內推 謝謝

Project Scientist - Flow Cytometry

Duties And Responsibilities

* May assist in preparation of grant proposals, submissions, publications and
presentations but is not responsible for generating grant funds.
* May serve as PI for certain grants as approved by supervising member of the
Professorial Series.
* May participate in publications and presentations as author or co-author.
* May develop, adapt and implement new research techniques and protocols.
* Assists in lab experiments.
* Analyzes, interprets, summarizes and compiles data.
* May lead or train Staff Research Associates and Research Fellows.
* Will assist in day-to-day laboratory activities.
* Appointees on an academic trajectory will be expected to commit a portion of
their time to developing an independent range of research.

Department Specific Responsibilities

* Performs Flow Cytometry Shared Resource-associated project activities
including specialized equipment maintenance, operation, troubleshooting in
addition to directed research project under supervision of the PI and in
collaboration with other staff members and core users.
* Develop, adapt, and implement new flow cytometry-related research techniques
and protocols in consultation with the scientific literature, the PI and core
* Assist with new equipment purchase and be responsible for troubleshooting of
new equipment.
* Perform and oversee Flow Cytometry Shared Resource daily maintenance
activities, including billing.
* Keep appropriate detailed experimental records and documentation of flow
cytometry sorting and analysis experiments.
* Train new Flow Cytometry Shared Resource users.
* Maintain project records accurately and regularly.
Participate in all Flow Cytometry Shared Resource duties and activities,
including lab meeting and data discussion with lab members and core users.


All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2022-03-24T23:02


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2022-03-22T10:02
請問各位大大有人在蘋果NYC 上班或是知道蘋果的情況如何嗎 想知道 1. 整體Apple pay Team 工作WLB 如何 2. 主要用的tech stack? 直接在那做測試3,5年後會不會很難找工作 3. manager 如何, 升遷容易嗎 會不會有嚴重的拍馬屁文化? - ...

請問美國工作, 可在台灣貸款買房嗎?

William avatar
By William
at 2022-03-21T20:33
想請問一下 目前已經買房 利率2.85% 台灣房子父母名下 已經繳清 想請父母房屋抵押貸 款 400萬 去償還美國貸款 省台灣借貸利率跟美國房貸的利差 父母台灣方面用 贈與免稅額 匯到我台灣帳戶 我在匯回我美國帳戶 繳部分房貸 父母各200萬 所以沒有贈與稅的問題 匯到我的美國帳戶後 在美國申報贈與稅 ...

英國Google 尋求內推

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2022-03-20T04:26
代朋友po 小弟在英國倫敦 最近看到 Google有個職缺與本人經歷技能相符、但身邊沒有認識Google 工作的朋友… 因此到PTT 試試看有沒有版友方便協助內推 小弟在英國工作多年、有身分、英文母語 現職是Digital Strategist 兼Account Manager 相關經歷方面: ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2022-03-18T17:43
菠菜 名稱:新泛亞 公司地點在馬尼拉阿拉邦 不禁足 想去哪都可 賠付只有簽證 公司提供中國餐點 每日四餐 住宿提供為高檔公寓 薪資25K人民幣+ 13薪+節假日禮金+獎金 月休4 每天10小時 有休息時間 以上是基礎資訊--------- 我本身就是這裡在職的UI 個人認為在這家公司工作非常的 ...

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By Isabella
at 2022-03-17T11:44
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