德州 Inteplast 徵 Mechanical Engineer - 海外工作

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2022-03-29T23:05

Table of Contents

(代po) Location: Lolita, TX

Job title: Mechanical Engineer


1. Evaluate material and develop machinery and processes to manufacture
materials that meet design performance requirements.
2. Design and direct the testing and/or control of processing procedures.
3. Monitor material performance and evaluate material deterioration.
4. Analyze product failure data in order to determine causes of problems and
develop solutions.
5. Perform equipment abnormal analysis and recommend corrective actions.
6. Conduct engineering evaluation on performance of machinery used on
manufacturing process.
7. Work to solve problems arising during the manufacturing process or with the
finished product, such as those caused by daily wear and tear or a change of
8. Support manufacturing operations with technical advice, troubleshooting,
collaborative problem solving, disposition of product deviations,
manufacturing process reviews, and material engineering guidance
9. Support the implementation of new technologies into product specific
10.Provide material engineering support for continuous improvements of material
and manufacturing processes.

Required qualifications:
1. B.S. degree in Metallurgy, or Mechanical Engineering.
2. Good written and oral communication skills.
3. Demonstrated technical, operational and troubleshooting ability in a
manufacturing environment.
4. Demonstrated interpersonal skills.
5. Require US work availability, OPT acceptable.

H1/PR sponsorship provided based on performances.

有興趣請寄email至 [email protected]


All Comments


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2022-03-28T12:53
本人目前任職北美軟體工程師,目前利用下班時間或周末假日刷題約兩個月90題左右,想 找目前有在運作的讀書會或是有興趣的朋友可以一起組團,有興趣的麻煩站內信告知 Line或是其他聯繫方式,感謝。 - ...

OTEA 紐澳台工程師線上交流

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2022-03-27T21:51
今年第四次紐澳相見歡,一起來來聊澳洲生活、職場、求學,就在本週日11:00-12:00 https://i.imgur.com/xPxmKyc.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cOkFF5A.jpg 本次活動一樣只開放給會員參加 還不是會員的你!趕快手刀報名吧 連結在下方: 會員表單如 ...

德州 Inteplast徵Process engineer

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2022-03-26T04:25
(代PO) Location: Lolita, TX Title: Process engineer Qualification: -Chemical engineering major -Good computing skills -Good organization skills -Fluent in ...

徵才 Scientist - Flow Cytometry (LA)

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2022-03-24T12:06
大家好 我們醫院 (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles) 在徵人 有興趣的朋友可以站內信聯繫內推 謝謝 Project Scientist - Flow Cytometry Duties And Responsibilities * May assist ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2022-03-22T10:02
請問各位大大有人在蘋果NYC 上班或是知道蘋果的情況如何嗎 想知道 1. 整體Apple pay Team 工作WLB 如何 2. 主要用的tech stack? 直接在那做測試3,5年後會不會很難找工作 3. manager 如何, 升遷容易嗎 會不會有嚴重的拍馬屁文化? - ...