德州大學休士頓醫學中心徵研發工程師 - 海外工作

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2017-01-24T00:46

Table of Contents

The Microsurgical Robotics Laboratory at the University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston Medical School is seeking highly motivated research
engineers to join the laboratory and contribute to ongoing projects. The
laboratory is part of the Department of Neurosurgery and is led by Dr. Daniel
Kim, Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston and Director of Spinal Neurosurgery and Reconstructive
Peripheral Nerve Surgery at Memorial Hermann’s Mischer Neuroscience


We are looking for the following positions to join our team at Houston, Texas:
1.Design Engineer
2.Senior Software Developer Engineer
3.Software Developer Engineer
4.Software Test Engineer

詳細Job Description請參

This position is available for an immediate start. Salary is commensurate
with experience.
Applicants should submit their English cover letter and resume/CV to Dr.
Dongsuk Shin
([email protected]), Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the
University of Texas Medical School at Houston.

我只是代PO 有興趣的版友請直接聯絡末段提到的聯絡人 Dr. Dongsuk Shin(韓國人 應



All Comments


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2017-01-22T02:31
想開這個主題,是Fieed 在afterphd 版『瑞典博後薪資』推文問到 『久聞荷蘭國際化,是否可分享在荷蘭生活所見所聞?』 因為我先生還在唸博班,而我� ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-01-20T07:00
各位版友好 我去年四月開始在東京度假打工、 因簽證時間快到了、我與店家談離職日期、 本來完全沒有留日工作的計畫、 卻在面談時被詢問是否有 ...

美金直接海外匯至台灣外幣帳戶, 要繳稅

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-01-19T13:02
Since you performed service in Taiwan, not US, the compensation is Taiwan source, not US source. If you are not a US tax resident, you could fill out a W8-BEN to exempt from US tax withholding and rep ...

美金直接海外匯至台灣外幣帳戶, 要繳稅

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-01-18T23:06
第一次海外工作機會, 不過是駐點在台灣. 職稱是and#34;顧問and#34;. 這間外商台灣沒有設點, (勞健保自理) 薪資也是直接從美國匯到台灣外幣帳戶. 因為� ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-01-18T14:50
各位好~ 請教一個國外匯款回台灣(透過western-union)的問題~ 假設匯款方是以美金匯出, 到台灣後收款方只能領台幣嗎?(或是可選幣別呢) 另外, �� ...