招聘有些經驗的網路QA工程師 - 面試

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2020-05-06T06:52

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Hi, 大家好

這次要招的是網路軟體QA工程師. 只要是有一些工作經驗和網路協定或相關的背景都可以


Job Responsibilities:

‧ Design, develop, and execute test plans and functional test cases from
functional specs
‧ Find, isolate, document, regress, and track bugs through resolution
‧ Execute test cases, analyze and report test results to product teams
‧ Support cross-functional teams in integrated test efforts
‧ Building new test infrastructure and maintain them for automation setups
‧ Report project status and issues to project managers and management
‧ Debug to analyze the defect root cause, optimize the test scripts for
test automation
‧ Collaborate closely with the development team to analyze, debug and
resolve any issues
‧ Define Complex Test cases exercising various features and coming up
with creative ways to find bugs
‧ Develop and maintain the automated test scripts
‧ Develop and maintain test tools for product team

Job Requirements:

‧ A BS in Computer Science (or equivalent experience), an advanced degree
is a plus
‧ Good understanding of Quality Assurance processes and methodologies,
such as writing detailed test plans, documenting failure scenarios, and
isolating problems
‧ Experience working with Linux or UNIX Operating Systems
‧ Experience and understanding of Networking, security devices
‧ Experience designing and running stress, load, and performance tests
‧ Experience working in fast paced environments, Agile methodology &
changing testbed scenarios
‧ Experience with routers, DDoS attack mitigation products is preferred
‧ Experience with Ixia BreakingPoint is preferred
‧ Understanding of protocols such as RADIUS, LDAP, TACACS+, GTP, SCTP is
a plus
‧ Certifications such as CISSP, CCIE preferred.
‧ Experience working as development tester
‧ Experience with Python and Robot Framework is preferred

Education Requirement:

‧ A BS in Computer Science (or equivalent experience), an advanced degree
is a plus

Tags: 面試

All Comments

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2020-05-10T15:58
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2020-05-12T19:45


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2020-05-03T13:27
板上前輩好, 剛剛在軟工版有發過,想說也是海外工作,因此來這版再問一次,請見諒 我目前在美國讀CS碩士一年級, 找實習情況不是很理想, 目前� ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2020-05-02T03:53
海外工作面試必問問題,你都準備了嗎?(免費索取超實用面試問題整理包) 海外工作的工作的難度高嗎?為什麼有些人覺得很難?有些人看起來很�� ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2020-05-01T17:17
各位前輩好 小弟也因這波疫情被公司資遣 我在澳洲,背景是IT sales,被資遣前是在taxi app做territory sales manager 因為看到有前輩也是因為疫情被資遣,�� ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2020-04-30T21:03
我最近對於跟公司爭取該有的待遇這件事情有點心情。 我的工作去年開始是在公立小學教英文的派遣外籍老師ALT(Assistant Language Teacher )。 因為是在日本 ...

Sony PlayStation 灣區實習生應徵心得

David avatar
By David
at 2020-04-26T11:25
我心血來潮搜尋了一下版上 發現居然沒有半篇文章跟 PlayStation 有關XDD 明明他們每年招的實習生很多 正職更多(雖然現在full time 是 hiring freeze 啦) 所以� ...