政府主導/生技產業 下波兆元明星 - 生技

By Robert
at 2010-05-12T04:42
at 2010-05-12T04:42
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※ 引述《kai73213 (凱)》之銘言:
政府主導/生技產業 下波兆元明星
基本上不算式空頭公司, 這是宇昌生技網頁上的資料
In Q4 of 2008, TMB(宇昌) in-licensed Tamiphosphor, a neuraminidase inhibitor
for the treatment of influenza, from Academia Sinica in Taiwan and has
taken that program forward. In early 2009, drug synthesis work has been
conducted as well as a collaboration with NIH has been established for
cross resistance testing. In addition, in collaboration with the Aaron
Diamond AIDS Research Center, the development of Ibalizumab for
prevention of HIV infection will be explored in a phase 1 trial in 2H 2010.
This project has received grant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates
簡單說, 除了TNX355的臨床實驗外還有和中研院美國NIH製造感冒病毒藥,
而TNX355第一期臨床測試今年也會開始進行, 至於公司也都拿得到研究經費
這些消息也都有其他新聞資料證實, 所以不是空頭公司. 然後整個公司的方向
也強烈的被翁(中研院)和何(Aaron Diamond)的實驗室影響, 這也算是好事
只是印象中當時曾經談到要在台灣進行較大規模的臨床測試, 同時在台灣
設立比較有賺頭的臨床研究基礎, 但這部分好像就沒聽說了
政府主導/生技產業 下波兆元明星
推 qwert0403:宇昌不是成立三年 有啥進度 05/11 17:56
推 FUSION87:07年九月的新聞 = =.. 05/11 18:13
→ trumpet:連貼兩篇2007年的報導,是原po眼殘?還是另有深意? 05/11 20:42
→ dimask:宇昌生技 算是空頭公司嗎? 05/11 22:13
基本上不算式空頭公司, 這是宇昌生技網頁上的資料
In Q4 of 2008, TMB(宇昌) in-licensed Tamiphosphor, a neuraminidase inhibitor
for the treatment of influenza, from Academia Sinica in Taiwan and has
taken that program forward. In early 2009, drug synthesis work has been
conducted as well as a collaboration with NIH has been established for
cross resistance testing. In addition, in collaboration with the Aaron
Diamond AIDS Research Center, the development of Ibalizumab for
prevention of HIV infection will be explored in a phase 1 trial in 2H 2010.
This project has received grant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates
簡單說, 除了TNX355的臨床實驗外還有和中研院美國NIH製造感冒病毒藥,
而TNX355第一期臨床測試今年也會開始進行, 至於公司也都拿得到研究經費
這些消息也都有其他新聞資料證實, 所以不是空頭公司. 然後整個公司的方向
也強烈的被翁(中研院)和何(Aaron Diamond)的實驗室影響, 這也算是好事
只是印象中當時曾經談到要在台灣進行較大規模的臨床測試, 同時在台灣
設立比較有賺頭的臨床研究基礎, 但這部分好像就沒聽說了
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