新加坡蘋果徵Senior Data Engineer/Senior Technical Lead/Architect - 履歷

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2018-01-17T14:55

Table of Contents

Singapore One North

Data Engineer:
Skilled in object-oriented programming (Java, J2EE, Spring or other MVC framework)
Good understanding of distributed messaging systems (Kafka, Solace etc.)
Working knowledge of data processing frameworks (Spark, Storm etc.)
Significant years of experience of a major relational or NoSQL database (e.g. Oracle / Cassandra)
Familiarity with REST model
Ability to leverage scripting languages (Python, Ruby, Bash, etc.) is a plus
Usage of source version control software (e.g. Git)

Senior Technical Lead/Architect:
Knowledge of architectural styles, design patterns and API design
In-depth experience in object-oriented programming (Java, J2EE, Spring or other MVC framework), Service Oriented Architectures, and RESTFUL services.
Significant years of experience of a major relational or NoSQL database (e.g. Oracle / Cassandra)
Good understanding of distributed messaging systems (Kafka, Solace etc.)
Good understanding of web markup, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including jQuery & AJAX


可代辦EP,有意願者請寄履歷至:站內信或[email protected]

Tags: 履歷

All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-01-21T22:12
money range?
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-01-24T21:27
為何信箱會是gmail @@
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-01-27T11:45
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2018-01-31T07:01
one north就在INSEAD / A* / MTK 那邊耶 :)
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2018-02-01T14:06
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2018-02-02T21:15
推! 不知道是負責哪塊業務的


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-01-14T02:43
大家好,我是2018即將入職的在美國念cs的學生 我想如果也是2018即將入職的朋友應該也經歷了上學期慘烈(?)的找工作過程 (至少對我來說是這樣) 因此 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-01-11T15:19
公司名稱: Sigmatic Asia Technologies Inc 公司官網: 地址: 菲律賓馬卡蒂 職務與工作內容: andlt;文字客服andgt; 協助玩家了解遊 ...

Google Intern Project Match 求助

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2018-01-11T05:23
各位好 小弟現在在美國就讀MS CS 剛剛通過了Google一連串的關卡終於來到最後一關:Project Search 希望能夠盡快能有Host interview的機會 如果有人知道北美任� ...

阿姆斯特丹徵才 資深F/W工程師

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2018-01-08T23:51
公司名稱:Qardio Inc. 地點:阿姆斯特丹 職缺:Lead Embedded Software Engineer 職缺網址: 需要資深F/W工程師,可以幫忙辦簽證。公司氣氛很�� ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-01-07T19:42
公司名稱: Sigmatic Asia Technologies Inc 公司官網: 地址: 菲律賓馬卡蒂 職務與工作內容: 財務專員 審單-投注金額,算出有�� ...