申請ITIN 戶照影本公證問題 - 海外工作

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-01-18T09:29

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W-7 Instruction有提到
"Photocopies of documents must bear an original
authentic certified or notarized seal/stamp"





All Comments

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-01-23T09:18
沒有別的辦法說 我之前申請ITIN 也是要公證的
除非你願意把護照寄過去 不然就是要公證過的影本
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-01-23T20:07
假如你在學校的話可以找看看學校裡的公證人 通常只要說
謝謝就可以省下15~20塊的公證費 Good Luck

Two job opportunities

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-01-15T23:25
This headhunter contacted me few months back, and she has been sending me some job opportunities which seem quite appealing. If you are in the market research industry and would like to be in contact ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-01-15T21:04
請問在香港工作的大家 尤其想問做業務的 retail luxury 最近接近過年是不是很ˋ忙? 有個男性友人MSN快一個月沒上嚕 應該不大可能封鎖我 所以想知道 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-01-11T15:50
各位親愛的鄉親世大 小弟黃大胖我最近參加了一個網路影片比賽 這段影片是從我三年前去西非布吉納法索當替代役時拍的紀錄片中擷取出來的 看看�� ...

H1B Premium Process 要多久

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-01-11T14:32
我OPT 2/16到期 之前公司幫我申請H1B還沒下來 所以這週申請了premium process H1B 想問一下這樣的話大概多久可以拿到H1B 還有如果有gap的話是要回台灣嗎?! ...

Product requirements document是什麼意思?

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-01-02T19:04
Dear 各位有經驗的學問家 請問and#34; Product requirements document (PRD) and#34;是什麼意思? 通常一個公司是誰在執行PRD? RD研發人員對於PRD之間有何關係? 謝謝 感� ...