申請研究所推薦信潤稿 - 翻譯

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2018-01-11T14:00

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"Low demand in the past has led to many combination airlines moving towards slimmed down, main decks fleets, to relieve operational costs. Relief and humanitarian flights, following hurricanes and other events, have also taken some freighter capacity off the market, with additional large passenger aircraft, such as the A380 coming in, the belly size has reduced in recent years."

Delays of two to three weeks are being reported at some of China's airports as all available belly cargo and freighters are stuffed by shippers trying to get their products on shelves in time for Christmas. Shanghai's largest cargo handler Pactl reported a 12.5 percent growth in cargo throughout from January through November of 1.7 million tonnes, while Hong Kong's volume up to the end of October increased 10 percent year over year to 4 million tonnes.

[選]其他事項: 來信請提供相關翻譯經驗及英文成績及 合作方式
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Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2018-01-13T14:38


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