知名避險基金徵研究員 - offer

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-12-28T00:50

Table of Contents

各位好,敝公司Adecco Personnel協助避險基金代徵研究員

Quantitative Researcher*5
Location: Taipei (able to relocate to US after 3 years)
Official Recruitment event: middle Feb/ 2014

Job Responsibilities

Create mathematical models to simulate and predict the worldwide financial
markets movement

Company Profile

Our Client is one of the leading players in global quantitative trading. They
have consecutive double digit yearly return (15%~20%) in last 15 years. Even
in dot.com bubble (2001) and Financial Crisis (2008), they have positive
return. This fund has very good Sharpe Ratio (above 3), which means they get
decent investment return by taking relatively few risks. They have good
investment performance record.

Our client offers outstanding career opportunities, which include:

- Good financial rewards (USD 60,000~70,000+ performance bonus). With 5~6
years work experience, earning USD 1 Million/annually is possible
- A friendly lab environment for candidates who like doing quantitative
- A rare opportunity to learn from investment expert
- An opportunity to relocate to the US or other location offices after 3+
years work experience with good performance


- Leading Universities Ph.D./ M.S./ B.S. degree in highly analytical field
(ex: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Math)
- Ranked at least top 20% in B.S. degree (Transcript is needed)
- Have a research scientist mind-set, i.e., be a deep thinker, smart and
- Programming language C++ is not necessary but is a plus
- Interested in learning about worldwide financial markets
- Strong work ethic

Working environment & Training

The working environment is like a lab in the university with academic
atmosphere. A new researcher will choose their mentor (Sr. Researcher). The
Company offers new employees 1~2 years training. They will work on good “
formula”, develop mathematical models and read academic paper. This is a
very good opportunity for Engineering/Mathematical background candidates who
are highly interested in entering quantitative/ financial field.

Taipei Office

Taipei office has been successfully built up in Oct 2013. Currently, there
are several Quantitative researchers in Taipei. Our client has an expansion
plan in Taipei office and is actively looking for highly potential candidates.

Current Status

我們從2012Q3開始,協助此跨國Hedge Fund在台灣尋找頂尖數理人才。經過一年多的努力
關係。是本Hedge Fund在2014/02召募說明會的主辦單位。歡迎有意願更了解這個機會,

Contact Information

Adecco Bruce Chiu
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 02-7718-8836

Tags: offer

All Comments


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-12-25T00:34
※ 引述《supershit ()》之銘言: : 最近打算跟一家台資銀行談年薪NTD 1,000K+六張機票 : 商業銀行的ARM缺 : 目前身分是準備退伍的社會新鮮人 : 不知道這樣�� ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2013-12-24T22:13
找工作終於告一段落 (漫長抗戰啊!!) 之前從板上的文章收獲不少, 也來分享一下 本身有個小優勢是沒有身份問題, 但從小到大都在台灣長大, 本土CS碩士 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2013-12-24T04:21
在下很弱...之前的工作是被人力資源公司的recruiter找到不是自已丟履歷。 Recruiter在看我的履歷的時候還真的有去查我寫在履歷上的工作經驗,像三年前 ...

Data Scientist Intern職缺(徵人)

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-12-23T11:03
經過interview了不少人,和主管的交戰之後 (講白一點,很難有人能滿足所有的條件,我和他吵了很久) - 不需要離畢業二年,我們也歡迎有志從事Data S ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2013-12-18T05:27
我曾經在面試的時候被最後的vp幹到差點跪到地上 首先先說我不適合作這個工作 面試的過程都愛理不理的樣子 送我坐車去hr building的時候還問我說 倒� ...