矽谷新創Soda Labs 徵全/前端/Android - 福利

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2018-10-28T23:56

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1RrPtLdQ ]

作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] 矽谷新創Soda Labs 徵全/前端/Android
時間: Sun Oct 28 19:30:19 2018

Soda Labs




Soda Labs is an incubation studio for delightful electronics
products. We specialize in embedded software platforms, with
experts in software, design, and AI from Google, Nasa, Y
Combinator,and researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and
Harvard. With our roots in software entrepreneurship and consumer
electronics, Soda Labs works with manufacturers and brands to
create holistic end-user experiences with sustainable business

Soda Labs is a new way to create hardware services.
We collaborate with OEMs to incubate electronics hardware,
developing both the embedded software and scalable business model
while our OEM partners handle hardware design and manufacturing.
Our unique model allows for risks and rewards to be properly
aligned for accelerating the pace of hardware innovation.

Soda Labs envision a future where innovating hardware is just as
accessible assoftware. We know from personal experience that
building a hardware startup is monumentally challenging.Along
with the complexity and cost of developing
hardware, companies need to build a software, sales, supply chain
and support ecosystem simply to remain competitive. By reducing
the friction of hardware innovation, we can bring delightful
physical products and services to the world.

1. Full Stack Engineer 1M - 2M TWD/annum
2. Front End Engineer 900k – 1.5M TWD/annum
3. Android Engineer 900k – 1.5M TWD/annum

[工作內容/ 應徵條件]


1. Equity provided
2. Unlimited annual leaves
3. Reimbursement for learn and work related expense
4. Work from home one a week
5. Happy hour once a month




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Accupass活動通 徵前/後端工程師(.Net)

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2018-10-28T23:56
※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1RrPnTf1 ] 作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] Accupass活動通 徵前/後端工程師(.Net) 時間: Sun Oct 28 19:23:58 2018 [公司名稱] 盈科泛利股份有限公司(Accupass) [公司網址] https://www.accupass.com/ [公司地址 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2018-10-28T22:28
[徵才] 台大電子所李致毅教授實驗室誠徵研究助理 公司名稱: 台大電子所李致毅教授實驗室 公司地址: 台北市大安區羅斯福路四段一號 職缺: 研究助理 職缺能力經歷要求: 熟悉verilog 具數位電路晶片開發經驗 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否 薪資(月薪): 起薪75,000/月 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 年終2個月,享勞健保,另有績效獎金 工時: 週一到週五 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2018-10-28T12:15
幫朋友代po 朋友中字資管碩 最近拿到了幾個offer不知如何選擇 所以請我幫忙詢問各位前輩 公司 廣達 Pchome 和碩 職位 MES工程師 C#工程師 軟體開發工程師 部門 非bu的樣子 電商技術部 MIS 工時 0830-1730(假日有時要加班) 0930-1830 0900-1800(on call) 薪資 N-3~N(15.5) N(16) N-1~N+2(前兩年14) ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2018-10-28T11:33
我覺得你人很好,很有自己想法,也幹大膽去做。 但這在職場上我覺得是有點問題的, 因爲不管是哪間公司, 或多或少都有點問題, 也就是家家有本難念的經, 很多不合你意的事情, 都必需要忍耐,笑笑就把他過去, 這不只是員工,老闆也是如此。 今天一個老闆碰到一個員工技術很好,可以幫你賺錢,但是性格很討厭,你要不要僱傭他? 我認爲有能力的老闆一樣會僱傭。 現在很多公司不太敢僱傭你, 理由很簡單, 因爲 ...

最大外商美光 還要再聘千人

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2018-10-27T22:23
https://udn.com/news/story/7240/3445134 018-10-27 02:08 經濟日報 記者鐘惠玲/台北報導 美光是台灣目前最大外商,在台灣總員工數已超過7,000人,因應未來發展需求,美光表 示,到明年底前,預估再增1,000名人力。 台中市長林佳龍昨日出席美光後段封測廠開幕典禮,他致詞時表示,美光招聘的薪資條件 似乎比台積電高二成,可說是良性循環。不過美 ...