美商倍佳國際徵Rails developer - 工程師

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-05-12T14:48

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1LKQ7tiU ]

作者: SPower (微光) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] 美商倍佳國際徵Rails developer
時間: Tue May 12 14:47:16 2015

About OptimisCorp
We are a distributed development team with offices in Taipei,
Los Angeles, and India. We are working together to build best
in breed web applications to handle all aspects of managing
a Physical Therapy Practice.

In order to ensure that we are building the best software available
we have partnered with several top Physical Therapy Consultants
in the US and work closely with them and dozens of other practices
to ensure that the software we work on everyday is improving our
clients day to day work experience. We’ve worked with millions of
patients in the US and Canada. OptimisCorp is a well established
company that has been profitable for 8 years and has the resources
necessary to complete the vision for our products.

What we are looking for
1. Rails Developer
* Must love Ruby and Rails (whether you are a beginner or a
seasoned rubyist)
* Solid understanding of GIT, Gitflow
* Big plus for Javascript, CSS, and HTML, javascript frameworks
such as Angular, Backbone, Ember, React
* Professional experience preferred
* Contributions to OpenSource projects helpful
* Deployment experience including Capistrano and others a big plus
* Familiarity with NoSQL tools like MongoDB, CouchDB, Riak a plus
* Familiarity with Redis, Resque, RabbitMQ very helpful
* Solid understanding and practical experience with RSpec

What We Offer

* Competitive Salary (14 months)
* Salary starts at NT$70,000 per month
* depending on experience, as high as NT $100,000 for
highly talented individuals.
* 8 hour work days (Really 10AM to 6PM)
* Conference reimbursement (one per year)
* All Mac office, 27” displays at every desk
* Centrally located in Taipei city near Mingchuan W. Rd. Station
* Guaranteed yearly pay increases
* Yearly compensation offered based on performance
* Paired Programming Encouraged
* Enjoyable office environment, plenty of snacks, flexible hours

How to Apply
Please send your English and Chinese resumes to [email protected]


All Comments

pcb &矽品

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-05-12T12:04
小弟夜市大學理工學士 目前在一家有蘋果吃的pcb廠當製造工程師 未滿一年 工作壓力小但實際工時跟12小時制差不多 沒補休加班費 17點後都在作白工 �� ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-05-12T11:20
想問這家公司風評如何 版上資訊不多 爬文過似乎薪資不算高 想要應徵製程工程師 不知道公司風氣、福利制度如何等等 是否良好 謝謝~ --


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-05-12T10:21
各位板上的前輩大家好,最近在工作上有疑惑想跟各位前輩請益。 文章可能...蠻長的,如果您願意看完,感謝您。 因為怕被同事認出...有些工作內容� ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2015-05-12T03:43
大家好,小的非電子或理工相關科系畢業,是社會人文領域碩士畢業, 最近有幸拿到兩家公司的offer,薪資差不多,但職務前瞻性與公司規模 讓我有�� ...

Garmin Engineering PM

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2015-05-12T01:50
發現這邊PM職缺的分享並不多,因此想說就近期己身的經歷跟大家分享一下 小弟私立大學畢業,非電子電機企管商學等科系背景. 有幸在兩家龍頭系統廠� ...