美國夢?? - 美國

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-11-16T12:23

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I moved to US when I was 32 years old together with my wife, my 1 year old son
and 2 cats.

I didn't get any digree from US but I still get a job here and it's the same
field as I did in taipei and hsin Chu.
Since you already have NTU master degree I don't think you need to get any
degreein order to find a job here unless you want to learn something from

You should try www.monster.com , some headhunters are looking for candidates
from this website. You should be able to find a job to sponsor your visa.

My son is getting older now. Every time when I play with my son in my backyard
I believe I made a right decision to move here.

I love Taiwan and it's my hometown forever. I really enjoy spending more time with my family
which I can not do in Taiwan.

By the way, you should bring your girl friend and cat to US. I would do that
if I were you.

good luck

※ 引述《eljoven (ham)》之銘言:
: 看完這篇,我也來講一下我的美國夢
: 我在日本完成我的碩士學位,回台灣當兵
: 也跟原po一樣,28歲,一個不大不小的年紀
: 最近剛剛開始了第一份工作,某系統廠
: 但是最近看到某知名日商在徵人,還是決定去試試看
: 如果沒上的話,應該也會在過年前準備好投 consulting firm
: 不去試,永遠沒機會
: 試了之後被打槍,那就是--原來我還有哪裡哪裡不足
: 把自己弱的地方,補起來再試一次
: 如果是擔心家人,那是多餘的,他們永遠會是你的支柱,不管你在哪裡,做什麼
: 擔心女友,好好的溝通,認同你,他就會支持你
: 不認同你,將來結婚,真的去了美國,會有好結果嗎?
: 自己的人生,自己想清楚最重要
: 一起加油吧!
: PS. 有人知道從台灣丟美國的 consulting firm,順利找到工作的機會大嗎?


All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-11-18T12:17
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2007-11-22T02:17
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2007-11-22T15:14
不過很同意原PO說得在美國的確WORK-LIFE BALANCE比較好
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2007-11-25T13:06
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-11-28T12:53
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-11-30T11:20
I agree with you. My point is he already has 4~6 years
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-12-02T21:18
working experience which is his strength. He should not
George avatar
By George
at 2007-12-03T14:06
compete with new graduates even he doesn't have US degre
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-12-03T17:54
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-12-06T01:30
Thanks. I agree with you, too.

Re: 找工作心得(in LA for .net developer)

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2007-11-16T04:15
真不好意思,當初發表這篇的時候是剛拿到offer的當天 太過興奮的想要分享這一個多月來找工作的心得 以致於文章內容過於空泛與籠統,真不好意思:P 這�� ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2007-11-15T10:18
我家有些親戚已經在美國定居好多年 目前計畫準備出國唸書 有機會的話可以在美國留下來 想問問在美國敎中文的狀況 因為家中親戚也不知道耶atatand#34 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-11-15T10:09
東芝集團多年來在世界各地設立多處據點,積極拓展全球化業務。為繼續拓展海外事業,尤其是具有高度發展潛能的亞洲地區,該集團將在台灣誠徵具�� ...

找工作的心得(EE 跟 CS)

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2007-11-14T17:08
分享一下小弟在LA找工作的心得 希望有一點幫助:P 本身條件: EE-Master畢業於2004 Mar. CS-Master今年畢業2007 Aug 有身份 尋找工作的Title: .Net Developer(C#) 地區: L ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-11-14T03:30
請問北美, 留學生真的必需要有研究所以上學歷才有競爭力嗎 美國學校多, 好像這種現象比較明顯 學士都找不到好工作嗎? 我是學physical science的 好工作 ...