翻譯~有關股票的研究文章1900字~2000+800元禮券 - 翻譯

By Mason
at 2011-06-24T17:48
at 2011-06-24T17:48
Table of Contents
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[選]試 譯 文:A. Effectiveness of the Rule
1. Shorting in a Declining Market
Several studies examine whether the rules appear to keep short sales from
executing in declining markets. When Rule 10a-1 was adopted in 1938, it was
motivated in part by a Commission study of short selling, based on two weeks
of data in 1937. This study found that when a downtick rule applied, a
substantial amount of short selling occurred during periods when the market
was declining. Two subsequent studies produced by staff at the Commission
found that the tick test allows short selling in declining markets.
The Commission's 1963 Special Study concluded that Rule 10a-1 was not
effective at achieving its objectives, stating that.....
※ 標題注意事項:
格式:[徵求] 報酬_口筆譯_語系_領域_工作量_截稿日
範例:[徵求] 2/字_筆_中譯英_論文_1530字_20080711
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[必]截 稿 日:6/25晚上八點半
[選]試 譯 文:A. Effectiveness of the Rule
1. Shorting in a Declining Market
Several studies examine whether the rules appear to keep short sales from
executing in declining markets. When Rule 10a-1 was adopted in 1938, it was
motivated in part by a Commission study of short selling, based on two weeks
of data in 1937. This study found that when a downtick rule applied, a
substantial amount of short selling occurred during periods when the market
was declining. Two subsequent studies produced by staff at the Commission
found that the tick test allows short selling in declining markets.
The Commission's 1963 Special Study concluded that Rule 10a-1 was not
effective at achieving its objectives, stating that.....
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