英翻中 3元/字 社會科學領域書評 - 翻譯

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2022-11-11T11:32

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[必]工 作 量: 3661字(英文)。必須先閱讀內文約120頁的英文書 Undersea Geopolitics: Sealab, Science, and the Cold War.
[必]截 稿 日:11/23 12:00
[必]應徵期限:無,只要能在11/23 12:00前完成即可
[必]聯絡方式:[email protected]

Undersea Geopolitics: Sealab, Science, and the Cold War is a book written by Rachael Squire and published in 2021. The main purpose of this book is to reimagine territory. Sealab was a four-phase project that sought to find out whether humans could dwell in the undersea environment for an extended period of time. Starting from Project Genesis, to Sealab I (1964), Sealab II (1965), and Sealab III (1968), US Navy sent aquanauts to a cylindrical habitat at various depths underwater (58, 62, and 186 meters
for Sealab I, II, and III, respectively.), and asked them to live there for several weeks. Aquanauts had to carry out experiments and undergo physiological and psychological tests there. Squire combed through archives about this series of projects to tell a story of territory, gender, and the elemental.

[選]試 譯 文:
In the context of human geography, the word ‘terrain’ becomes popular after Elden’s (2010) article, as he calls on geographers to reflect on the vagueness of the term. And following the start of ‘volumetric turn’, which is a turn in political geography to pay more attention to the three-dimensional space, it becomes popular to imagine terrain and territory in a three-dimensional way. The volumetric turn is popularized by Elden (2013) as well. However, Elden’s concept of three-dimensional space is
a bit ‘abstract’, according to Adey (2013). Adey (2013) thinks Elden should consider the concept of affective atmosphere, which emphasizes immersion rather than engineered structures like the barriers, walls, and tunnels that stand out in Elden’s work. Adey’s opinion represents cultural geographers’ concept of three-dimensional space, which highlights affect and bodily experience. Anderson’s (2009) work on affective atmospheres is the epitome of this concept.



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