薪資太低 H1申請可能不會過 怎麼辦?(急) - 海外工作

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-03-19T07:37

Table of Contents

試著找你的老闆談, 不一定要找HR
如果你的老闆 真的需要你

另外, 也許公司的HR認為你目前先用opt工作, 沒有立即性需要辦H1-B

那麼你就可以把這個困難點跟你老闆講, 畢竟如果你公司是那麼所謂"誠實"的公司


※ 引述《arina3 (到底該怎麼做才好???)》之銘言:
: hi, it's me again. I'm sorry I can't type Chinese...
: I have some questions wanna ask...
: 1. Actually my company is a big global travel agency.
: The head quarter is in Japan and we have companyies all over the world, like
: USA,China,Korea,Asia,Europe,New Zealand,Australia,Guam, the total branches
: will be around 150 and the employees are 30,000. In addition, I'm pretty sure
: my company is still making money,financial condition is no problem.
: .I wonder since it is a big company and it is stable and reliable, will
: this criterion help my H1B get approved a little easier??
: I know the government is very strict to small companies, how about big
: companies??
: 2. I can't change my salary,title,also can't apply parttime.
: My lawyer said the title is secondary,salary and job description are important.
: Now he is working on the company support letter and he will incorporate some
: tourism information, like hawaii is targeting China market and tourists will
: bring in income for local residents blah blah blah. I will have to bring in
: Chinese tourists and take care of inbound tourists. That's why they need
: someone who can speak Chinese as well as have advanced knowledge in travel
: industry.
: If my lawyer explains my job very well and also submits the company support
: letter....do you think if there's a higher chance for me to succeed?
: Or if my salary is lower than the average wage, the government will reject
: me no matter what???
: Sigh.........I'm so worried now.
: My manager is training me now and I will meet with overseas managers soon.
: I really dont want to lose this good chance..............
: ※ 引述《arina3 (到底該怎麼做才好???)》之銘言:
: : sorry I can't type chinese right now...
: : can I ask using part-time...
: : does it mean I can only work 20hrs??
: : now I'm working as a full-time of course
: : if I have to work as a part-time,I dont think my company can agree...
: : I'm sorry I dont understand about the part-time H1B...
: : could someone explain?? thank you so much!!


All Comments

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Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-03-18T03:22
Amazon 不是很清楚, 跳過 Cisco IOS 部門是個養老的地方. 如果原po是剛畢業的,不是很建議去 IOS 而且有很多protocol都已經移到印度去 (沒什麼新的東西要做) � ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-03-18T00:20
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Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-03-17T21:34
請問有台灣人在尼泊爾工作嗎? 如果有的話是做什麼呢? 謝謝! -- Stay hungry, stay foolish!---Steve Jobs --


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-03-17T12:39
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Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2010-03-17T08:34
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