資通訊培訓課程-人機互動研究設計與評估 - 工程師

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-05-05T11:11

Table of Contents

The course objective is to provide students with a hands-on experience in
user-centered interaction design. This course will teach students concepts
and principles of interaction design; walkthrough them the interaction design
lifecycle; help them understand and use various design methods and design
thinking; and develop their design sensibilities and practical skills through
a series of design exercises. The course will cover four important elements
of interaction design: research, ideation, prototyping, and evaluation. The
course includes: contextual inquiry; personas, scenarios, and storyboarding;
ideation and sketching; prototyping methods and tools; user experience (UX)
evaluation methods, and other UX related concepts and approaches. The course
consists of a main group design project, readings, lectures, and in-class
exercises. Students are expected to apply things they have learned from the
class to accomplish in total six milestones of their group project step by
step. At each milestone, students will present to their peer students and the
instructor to receive feedback to improve their work. Students are expected
to participate in in-class discussions and exercises. At the end of the
course, students may choose to submit their work to a design competition.
‧ Introduction to Interaction Design
‧ User-Centered Design Lifecycle
‧ Fundamentals of Interaction Design
‧ User Research: Contextual Inquiry
‧ From Data to Design: Persona, Scenario, Storyboarding, Sketching
‧ Prototyping (Lo-Fidelity and High Fidelity)
‧ Evaluation
‧ Advance Topics





(03)571-2121 分機:56601
Mail:[email protected]



All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2017-05-08T01:35

5/16 TEiUK分享會:前進英倫選擇題

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-05-05T05:18
※ [本文轉錄自 Oversea_Job 看板 #1P2soP01 ] 作者: kavare (詩人工程師) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: [情報] 5/16 TEiUK分享會:前進英倫選擇題 時間: Fri May 5 02:01:58 2017 【5/16 TEiUK 分享會 To Stay Or Not To Stay: 前進英倫選擇題】 Hello 各位已經/正在/曾經 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-05-04T23:47
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1P2crb-c ] 作者: BBMADE (Letand#39;s not fall in love) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 嚴凱泰︰納智捷要花20~25年跑馬拉松 時間: Thu May 4 07:53:05 2017 嚴凱泰︰納智捷要花20~25年跑馬拉松 自由時報 http://news.ltn.com.tw/ ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2017-05-04T23:06
小弟前一陣子剛好有機會面試滷肉的業務 但是談薪水的部分不知道該怎麼下手 只知道滷肉的四大碩新鮮人 工程師的薪水跟大M看齊而已 但是對於業務的起薪卻沒有概念... 本身只有四大學士畢 碩士還在在職專班補齊中... 所以可以預期就算核薪還是只會用學士來算 不過我不是新鮮人了 約有六年的系統廠RD跟PM的經驗 有板上的大大能夠私信提供一些訊息供參考嗎? 主要想知道學士畢跟碩士畢的新鮮人業 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2017-05-04T22:42
各位前輩好 小弟目前工作內容與工程資料分析,有三年的工作經驗 先前有發文過(#1OzruBRg) 最近這兩家 Offer 下來了 真的很難選擇 想請教前輩的意見 謝謝! 公司 緯創 聯電 -------------------------------------------------------- 職位 資料分析工程師 ...

韓媒:蘋果年末量產 Micro LED 面板

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2017-05-04T21:22
今天看非凡電視施振榮說 Micro LED 十幾年前就有注意 能取代LCD甚至OLED 台灣有廠商專門研究(忘了名子) 也有很好的上中下鏈 不知真假 如果未來真的取代OLED 台灣就要邁進一步了 ※ 引述《ECZEMA (曬黑的妳)》之銘言: : 三星、LG 大危機?韓媒:蘋果年末量產 Micro LED 面板 : 作者 MoneyDJ | 發布日期 2017 年 04 月 21 日 15:15 ...