通訊基頻IC設計 - 工程師

By Lucy
at 2014-06-04T18:04
at 2014-06-04T18:04
Table of Contents
用英文描述容易造成誤會 真是抱歉
※ 引述《supersu1a (鮪魚)》之銘言:
: Job function:
: Zyflex, subsidiary of Zyxel group, is a leading company focusing on satellite,
: vechiluar, manpack and handheld radios.
: We are seeking new members for positions involve the development and design of
: wireless communication system on SDR platforms for a variety of wireless
: modem products.
: Successful applicants will participate in the design, implementation,
: integration, and verification of the base-band communication system.
智勤是合勤的子公司 專做非消費性領域之產品並居領先地位
: Requirement:
: Applicants must have a background in digital communication theory and
: experienced in at least ONE of the following areas:
: - Filter design
: - Channel Estimation
: - Linear/non-linear Equalization
: - Synchronization
: - Error-Correction Codes
: - MIMO Channel
: - CDMA/Spread Spectrum
: Hands-on experience with implementing a communication system is a plus.
: Familiar with Hardware Description Language is a plus.
需求上 必須有通訊背景 並且接觸過至少一種通信相關領域
"background" 背景 後台
"at least" 至少 起碼
"one" 壹
"is a plus" 有加分效果
: Responsibilities:
: Development and design digital baseband system. Design transmitter and receiver
: architecture, functional modeling, and verify.
: Cooperate with other engineers for solving issues such like module interface,
: area optimization and performance tuning.
未來工作內容包含設計數位發射機語接收機的架構 模組 及驗證
: Education Requirements:
: Master's or equivalent experience.
: 薪水:
: 合勤集團新鮮人起薪 $47000 NTD 有經驗者另議
今年的集團新鮮人基本起薪就是這樣 到處都查得到不能亂寫
分家之前的確更好 就是各位看到去年的數字50k 並不是敘薪系統故障了
已有工作經驗及十項全能者另外談 這應該是業界常態
: 聯絡方式:
: 請投履歷至104職缺 http://ppt.cc/yO0~ 並在"自我推薦"欄位註明PTT
而一般IC廠此領域職缺有限 優秀人才跑去做與所學不符之工作 造成遺珠之憾
我們希望要找的人 就是對通訊系統有興趣 並對接觸核心有熱忱者
或是當年畢業沒找到通訊相關缺 但仍有意願回來通訊領域的人
當然 我們很歡迎高手 若覺得IC廠太操 可以參考 互相切磋
我們已經有相當成熟的產品線及研發團隊 設計有一定的準則與把關
部門內也有較資深之工程師 針對無經驗者提供支援與教育訓練
所以演算法以及RTL蟲蟲危機是不存在的 謝謝鄉民關心
※ 引述《supersu1a (鮪魚)》之銘言:
: Job function:
: Zyflex, subsidiary of Zyxel group, is a leading company focusing on satellite,
: vechiluar, manpack and handheld radios.
: We are seeking new members for positions involve the development and design of
: wireless communication system on SDR platforms for a variety of wireless
: modem products.
: Successful applicants will participate in the design, implementation,
: integration, and verification of the base-band communication system.
智勤是合勤的子公司 專做非消費性領域之產品並居領先地位
: Requirement:
: Applicants must have a background in digital communication theory and
: experienced in at least ONE of the following areas:
: - Filter design
: - Channel Estimation
: - Linear/non-linear Equalization
: - Synchronization
: - Error-Correction Codes
: - MIMO Channel
: - CDMA/Spread Spectrum
: Hands-on experience with implementing a communication system is a plus.
: Familiar with Hardware Description Language is a plus.
需求上 必須有通訊背景 並且接觸過至少一種通信相關領域
"background" 背景 後台
"at least" 至少 起碼
"one" 壹
"is a plus" 有加分效果
: Responsibilities:
: Development and design digital baseband system. Design transmitter and receiver
: architecture, functional modeling, and verify.
: Cooperate with other engineers for solving issues such like module interface,
: area optimization and performance tuning.
未來工作內容包含設計數位發射機語接收機的架構 模組 及驗證
: Education Requirements:
: Master's or equivalent experience.
: 薪水:
: 合勤集團新鮮人起薪 $47000 NTD 有經驗者另議
今年的集團新鮮人基本起薪就是這樣 到處都查得到不能亂寫
分家之前的確更好 就是各位看到去年的數字50k 並不是敘薪系統故障了
已有工作經驗及十項全能者另外談 這應該是業界常態
: 聯絡方式:
: 請投履歷至104職缺 http://ppt.cc/yO0~ 並在"自我推薦"欄位註明PTT
而一般IC廠此領域職缺有限 優秀人才跑去做與所學不符之工作 造成遺珠之憾
我們希望要找的人 就是對通訊系統有興趣 並對接觸核心有熱忱者
或是當年畢業沒找到通訊相關缺 但仍有意願回來通訊領域的人
當然 我們很歡迎高手 若覺得IC廠太操 可以參考 互相切磋
我們已經有相當成熟的產品線及研發團隊 設計有一定的準則與把關
部門內也有較資深之工程師 針對無經驗者提供支援與教育訓練
所以演算法以及RTL蟲蟲危機是不存在的 謝謝鄉民關心
All Comments

By James
at 2014-06-05T19:52
at 2014-06-05T19:52

By John
at 2014-06-06T04:40
at 2014-06-06T04:40

By Una
at 2014-06-07T09:25
at 2014-06-07T09:25

By Aaliyah
at 2014-06-10T18:04
at 2014-06-10T18:04

By Rosalind
at 2014-06-14T03:54
at 2014-06-14T03:54

By Christine
at 2014-06-18T06:55
at 2014-06-18T06:55

By Charlie
at 2014-06-20T17:17
at 2014-06-20T17:17

By Hamiltion
at 2014-06-21T05:56
at 2014-06-21T05:56
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