選校問題 CMU MSIT-eBiz vs UW-Seattle … - 美國

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-01-18T15:12

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這個比較真難,如果是 CMU MISM 就直接推了 :p


※ 引述《jeanyjhl (我的白天是你夜的黑)》之銘言:
: W/E
: 2.5 yr in tsmc as IT engineer (mostly using C+VB+Oracle PL/SQL)
: 1 yr as an international sales in PC/OEM
: 2 yr as an sales manager in IC design service
: I learned some Java in the college, but it's quite a long time ago.
: I have not been programming for a while, but suppose it won't take long
: to pick it up. (I hope so! I only have basic ideas about OO)
: I am a F2 holder now.
: Originaly I planned to apply MBA, but the economy is bad.
: Therefore, I decided to turn back to IT/IS programs that accept GMAT.
: Too late to make the decision - or I will take GRE to appy CS.
: The most important factor is to find a job in US.


我覺得 CMU 的優點是,它所開的 program,就算是繳學費性質,出產的學生品質
CMU 應該是比較理想。

: However, I noticed that eBiz has Koreans and Indians, a few Chineses or
: Taiwaneses but no Americans at all.

這在 CMU 算是常態,碩士班外國學生比例很高,即使是 MISM 也佔九成。

: The school cann't provide the info of the job placementin US, so
: I guessed perhaps most of the graduates went back to the home coutries.
: I also believe there would be high chances to be in the situation
: that I feel "why I pay so much to learn by myself?"
: It seems many graduates from this programs complained a lot (3 samples)
: about the program.

不提供 job placement 確實是有點奇怪。不過以就業來說,最大的缺點是沒有提供

: It's a 1-yr program, and I will graduate in Aug 2010. Don't how the economy
: would be then.
: UW-Day MSIM, however, has a PhD program
: and I may take some advantages to apply PhD if I have a master there.
: Also, supposedly it would cost less.
: (2 yr program,but may have TA/RA opportunities)

UW MSIM 應該不會花妳比較少錢,一年也是兩萬二左右,唸完假設學費是四萬四,
但妳在 Seattle 的房租應該會比在 Pittsburgh 貴 $150/month,生活費也較高。
重要的還是之後的 job placement,對這筆投資的影響很大...。

TA 兩校的這些 program 都不提供學費減免,所以就是賺點喝珍奶的生活費吧,

: I don't really want to get PhD, but it might be an option to resolve VISA issue
: in the case my husband and I can't find a job in US
: And it seems UW MSIM provides more resources to it students.

就業輔導上面來說,CMU 比 UW 好。

PhD 的話 CMU 其實也有一些 MISM 學生跑去跟教授做專題,之後就唸博班。
不過,ISM 這領域博班名額應該都不多吧。兩個人都找不到工作的話,回台灣不是

: As for the curses, I have taken most of them....^^;;;;
: The degree is almost the same as what my major is in Taiwan....
: On the other hand, I am very interested in CMU-Silicon Valley MSE
: (Master in Software Engineering).
: The deadline of the appliation is 2/1, so it's not possible to get the
: result by 2/12. (They require an interview too)

問看看能不能有個 early decision 吧,CMU 好像什麼都可以凹 :p
(還有同學不想畢業結果就變成系上助理... :p)

: BTW, I applied CMU-MSIT eBiz(admitted, early decision 2/12), CMU-MISM(rejected),
: CMU-West MSE (pending), UW MSIM (admitted, decision 4/15) only.
: So you can see I do love CMU..........^^;;;
: Is there anybody who can comment on the info for UW-Seattle Day MISM
: for the job placement in US?
: I think it ranks high in computer science as well...?

fulltime 我不清楚,不過似乎不少 UW MSIM 的 intern 是 non-paid internship.

(本篇太容易讓人覺得在戰學校了,歡迎 UW 校友指正。)


All Comments

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-01-20T23:43
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-01-24T13:46
UW TA 有一半的 tuition waiver
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-01-26T09:20
謝謝pest大人給了很多寶貴的意見 :)
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-01-28T11:48
我的首選工作是 consultant類 如accenture
不過聽說accenture不找opt..anyway 這好像說來太早了XD
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-01-31T04:10


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-01-18T08:59
其實找工作運氣也是佔了很大的因素 只要態度表現積極 就會比較多一點機會 你寫封信你也無損失 美國人喜歡有自信的人 如果可以從他的回信中得知� ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2009-01-18T08:54
try salary.com ※ 引述《saive (我的美國夢啊~)》之銘言: : 想知道每個職位在每個地區的平均薪水~之前沒拿綠卡前都是去DOL的網站~ : 不知各位都是�� ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-01-14T02:16
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090113/78/1cvih.html 徵大堡礁保育員 半年薪水342萬 更新日期:2009/01/13 04:09 〔編譯管淑平/綜合報導〕在世界知名的大堡礁�� ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-01-11T02:45
※ 引述《Shaq32 (@@)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板] : 作者: Shaq32 (@@) 看板: studyabroad : 標題: [問題] 有板友參加過國際人道救援組織嗎??? ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-01-10T00:23
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