阿拉巴馬大學徵博士後 - offer

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2022-02-26T14:18

Table of Contents

年薪USD $50,000 ~ $65,000
有興趣的可以直接寄履歷給 Dr. Jianguo Gu at [email protected]


Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama, US

The Pain Research Program in the Department of Anesthesiology at the
University of Alabama at Birmingham announces an open position for a
postdoctoral research fellow in Dr. Jianguo Gu’s Pain Research Laboratory.
We are seeking an ambitious and motivated postdoctoral candidate who is
interested in research into cellular and molecular aspects of sensory
physiology and pain. We are specifically focused on ion channels and their
functions in sensory transduction, conduction and transmission under both
physiological and pathological conditions. We employ multi-disciplinary
approaches including electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, molecular
biology, and animal behavioral assessment to conduct pain research. Qualified
candidates with a PhD degree in biomedical field and experience in research
on neuroscience and/or electrophysiology will be given top priority. The
postdoc candidate will be offered a competitive salary in the range of
$50,000 to $65,000 plus fringe benefits as per University of Alabama at
Birmingham policy and NIH guidelines. Interested candidates should submit a
single document containing updated CV, brief personal statement describing
research interests and career goals, and contact information for three
references. Please directly email the document to Dr. Jianguo Gu at
[email protected]


All Comments

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2022-03-02T15:34


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2022-02-26T13:31
第一次剛踏入伺服器產業,面試了一些公司想問大家哪一家會比較值得去,職缺都是系統 驗 1.廣達 薪水在伺服器裡面算不錯的,但也聽說是第一操的 2.緯穎 100%專攻伺服器,公司福利跟制度聽起來蠻人性化的,聽年薪整包很大包? 3.華碩 很有名品牌廠,有考慮進去,但伺服器部門不知道如何 4.派駐到HP的職缺 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2022-02-26T12:02
文長 摻雜很多個人意見 首先要回答你:什麼樣的待遇下能全家一起來? 之前跟別人討論過 如果公司能包房屋補貼+子女學費+全家商業醫療保險cover到門診+全家返台機票 這種情況下稅後能拿個4-5W,生活不要太鋪張,那真的能存下不少錢+生活品質不降低 不過現在這種待遇好像比較少聽到了... 這些主要就是支出 ...

Offer 請益(肉鬆/GG) qwejkc446

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2022-02-26T11:48
40 2/21 - □ (本文已被刪除) [qwejkc446] 小弟碩畢,有機構三年經驗,目前收到以下兩間offer, 請各位先進幫忙看看: 1. 公司: 肉鬆 職位: 雲端伺服器 機構工程師 地點: 林口 工時: 長日班,8~10小時 ...

捷克/波蘭 offer 比較

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2022-02-26T04:34
各位前輩大家好 小弟最近從波蘭某大學畢業 目前拿到一些 offer 其中有兩間在考慮 都需要 relocate 有點糾結不知該選哪一間 職位都是 junior software engineer(JavaScript前端為主) offer1 ATandamp;T 捷克 1. 年薪約 27000 EUR(當 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2022-02-25T12:54
大家好,有幸收到台積電的offer 公司:台積電 職位: Fab PC Planner 地點: 竹科 薪水: 新N 關於台積電生管的職務,版上很少經驗的分享,不曉得是否有前輩可以針對此職缺分享經 驗以及對未來職涯發展提供建議 謝謝大家! - ...