離岸風電外商徵工地主任 - 面試

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2021-02-01T11:49

Table of Contents

馬來西亞Sapura energy 石油能源公司(可自行上公司官網搜尋資料和股價)去年起在台



有議願者,請私訊我,我會將您的English CV轉給公司,謝謝。

Job Title:
Job Site Director (工地主任)
Qualifications & Certifications:
Must hold the jobsite director certificate issued by the Ministry of Interior
(由內政部核發工地主任執業證) with preference in civil engineering and construc
tion background
‧Must obtain the retraining certificate of the latest four years for every fo
ur years before the jobsite director certificate expired.
‧To assume the position of jobsite director in a construction enterprise, any
one who has got a jobsite director training certificate jointly issued by Mini
stry of the Interior and the entrusted institution shall get the above-mention
ed retraining certificate to acquire the practicing certificate issued by the
central competent authority.
‧The jobsite directors should establish national construction industry jobsit
e directors union in the place where the central competent authority is locate
d, and transact the businesses of jobsite directors management guidance and tr
aining.‧The jobsite directors should join in the national construction indust
ry jobsite directors union. The national construction industry jobsite directo
rs union may not reject any application for joining the union. Construction in
dustries could recruit jobsite directors without the consent of construction i
ndustry jobsite directors union.
‧The procedure and standard for evaluation of worksite directors mentioned ab
ove as well as the term, causes, hours, implementation method, and management
of retraining mentioned and related affairs shall be prescribed by the central
competent authority.
‧A solid understanding of the engineering principles and analysis techniques.
‧Must be a local Taiwanese (citizen of Republic of China, R.O.C)
‧Minimum 2 years’ hands-on in civil engineering and has engaged in surveying
, planning, designing, supervising, constructing or project management and yea
rs’ of experience that complies with Taiwan’s Ministry of Interior’s jobsit
e director requirement.
Extra Skill / Attributes / Competencies:
‧Well versed and competent in both written and spoken English.
Main Responsibilities:
Jobsite Director shall take charge of the following matters:
‧Construction/Work according to construction plan, drawings, procedure and sa
fety compliance.
‧Filling in daily construction/work/loadout logs.
‧Management of persons, machines, equipment and materials at the jobsite.
‧Supervision of labor /personnel safety and hygiene at the jobsite, maintenan
ce of public environment and safety, as well as other jobsite administrative a
‧Inform of any emergency and abnormality at the jobsite.
‧Other affairs that shall be handled by jobsite directors according to the la
Minimum Job Functions
‧Knowledge of local codes, development processes, and utility regulations.
‧Experience developing engineering deliverables such as engineering reports,
design drawings, technical specifications, and other detailed engineering deli
‧Capable of independent and team work environments
‧Experience with Auto-CAD software and proficient with MS Office
‧Ability to identify work priorities and function with very little supervisio
‧Must possess a strong detail-oriented work style and an accommodating and pr
oactive attitude
Health, Safety, Environmental & Quality Responsibilities:
‧Participate in SEB Incident and Injury-Free program;
‧Report all hazards, incidents and near misses to your Supervisor;
‧Participate in Health, Safety & Environment communication and consultation;
‧Promote a safe working environment;
‧Comply with SEB Quality and HSE Management System and Policies


All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2021-02-03T14:38
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2021-02-03T16:27
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2021-02-04T13:43
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2021-02-07T11:18
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2021-02-09T16:41
大概免洗的 用完就 恩...
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-02-12T09:16
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2021-02-15T09:45
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2021-02-18T14:54
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2021-02-18T19:50
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2021-02-19T08:06

F1學生CPT Tax Withholding問題

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-02-01T04:56
大家好 小弟最近收到了第一筆薪水,如附圖 https://imgur.com/Nd7jKYh 被預扣了將近20%有點心痛,所以想辦法減免看看 由於目前還是NRA,所以FICA中的Social S ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2021-01-25T16:41
大家好 我是在歐洲交換的學生 經過四個月的求職終於有點收獲 但煩惱也隨之而來 以下所述的公司都在德國 兩個禮拜前公司A打給我說我錄取了 並且會 ...

應屆畢業生 求職請益

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2021-01-24T14:44
各位前輩好 小弟國立碩畢 無技師牌 無工作經驗 剛退伍 最近要面試幾間公司 想請問這幾間的狀況及面試需要注意的地方 還有對於第一份工作營造廠及� ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2021-01-24T12:45
西澳洲前置作業: Diploma of Automotive Technology - 2018 2018 中時V 牌原廠經理在Linkedin 看過我的簡介就找我去面試, 要挖我過去就在等我畢業簽下來。 2019 初 ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2021-01-24T12:37
主要分享到目前為止在澳洲汽車原廠的一些工作 臺灣背景: 小客車駕照手排 - 2005 交通部汽車修護技工執照 - 2014 進入V 牌歐洲車原廠當技師 - 2014 大�� ...