雲發科技 Fullstack Engineer(100~120萬) - 加班

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-02-27T08:13

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[徵才] 雲發科技 Fullstack Engineer (100~120萬/Yr)

公司名稱: 8 Interactive Limited
公司地址: 台北市內湖區洲子街80號7樓
公司網址: https://no8.io
公司信箱: [email protected] (請投遞透過以下徵才網站投履歷)

Fullstack Engineer
徵才網址: https://www.yourator.co/companies/8Interactive/jobs/2296
員工是否需自備工具? (是/否): 否
加班費制度: 比照勞基法

徵求一起開發並改良 Number8 系統的同志!
- 協助開發以 Docker + Node.JS 為核心的 Micro-Service 框架
- 利用現在實用化的 Function As A Service (FaaS) 達成快速部署和功能

We are looking for a backend engineer to help build and improve our current
- Help build and improve our Docker + Node.JS based Micro-Service Architecture
- Leverage Function as a Service (FaaS) design to provide rapid deployment
and feature.

- 積極且強烈的執念推進這個產品直至完備
- 彈性的應對外部和內部的變化

Qualified Candidates brings the following traits
- Strong desire and initiative in driving the product to its completion.
- Adapt to changing infrastructure and platform.

- Node.JS
- Strong understanding in Asynchrounous programming

- Mongo and Redis
- Use of mongo shell to debug and/or export data
- Use of Redis as Cache and PubSub
- Monitor Replica-Set

- Understand basics in container usage and inter-container communication
- Provision compose file

- Strong understanding in common services
- IAM, EC2, Lambda, ALB, S3, CloudFront, CloudWatch Logs
- Able to daftly manage credentials and configuration

- Angular2 / React.JS
- Proficient in either MVC framework


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Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-02-27T02:15
Hi 各位前輩 最近剛畢業的我正在找full-time, 在網路上已經投過無數封履歷, 接到了MetSoft Technologies這家操著印度口音的電話(他說他們的母公司Barigo Holding ...

日本株式會社 Cygames 徵才

David avatar
By David
at 2018-02-26T22:15
Cyagames 為製作出「碧藍幻想」、「闇影詩章」等遊戲,急速成長的新興企業。 以製作出最棒的內容為目標,期望能夠帶來更多優質內容的動漫及遊戲! ...

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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2018-02-26T20:13
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Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-02-26T16:55
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By Zenobia
at 2018-02-26T15:11
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