騎單車上班? - 美國

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-06-13T14:08

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(總共大概花了快$400大洋 準備日後用Bush的Economy Stimulus Check來還)




送錯貨不說 我每次用僅有的午休時間打電話都等上25分鐘

好了 過了三個禮拜送來的把手不合我只好去Home Depot買塑膠束帶(zip-lock strips)

把舊的把手綁上去 想說雖然鬆鬆的但至少可以用吧

沒想到拆來拆去的 煞車線的adjustment搞砸了 變得很鬆

我只好調來調去 前後花了一個小時 後來雖然沒有完全調回來但總算還可以用


沒想到兩秒鐘後一轉彎 車頭竟然歪了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


後來不管我怎麼screw up 只要一轉彎車頭就會歪掉!

氣死我了 花了這麼多錢(而且帳單已經來了)買的一台漂漂亮亮的腳踏車

竟然只能放在客廳好看 一個月了我的油錢還沒有省到啊~~~~

不能騎的單車我到底是買來幹嘛用的 =_=


不過不知道這樣口氣會不會有點衝 寫過去會不會不妥

請各位建議一下如果是你們會怎麼做 大家若認為這樣的email和要求是合理的

我明天就寄出 畢竟customers are always right, even if they're not.


我本來是打算明天把這封email發出去的 畢竟真的是滿生氣的 不吐不快........

I am writing this email simply because I am VERY, VERY frustrated with the
purchase experience.

First of all, I got the shipment with a broken brake lever, been shooting
emails back and forth with your company for 4 times, finally you had me call
this warranty number by myself. I called 4 times, except the last time, all
other THREE times I was on hold for 20 to 25 minutes and couldn't get someone
to answer my call.

Secondly, after I finally got to talk to one of the warranty department
personnels on 5/23, I was told that the shipment will be shipped out and I
should be receiving it the next week. On 6/6 I called again because I have
not received anything after 2 weeks of waiting. The courteous representative
told me that it was shipped out on 5/27, and we are in the same state
(Illinois) so it shouldn't take that long and that she will mail out another
break lever via FedEx. On 6/10 finally I received the FIRST shipment that
was shipped out on 5/27, but it is a different model that I can't install
on my bike without taking off the whole shifter and plastic handler.

I tried different ways to put the brake lever on but due to different model
I couldn't, so I finally gave up and bought those plastic zip strips and put
the broken one back on and tried to install the brake wire back on. The brake
wire then got messed up because I took it off from the original brake lever,
put it on to the new brake lever which didn't work so took it off again and
put back onto the original brake lever, now the adjustment is totally off
and I had to manipulate for a good hour to get it tight again.

Finally after adjustment, the brake isn't completely working but is not far
off, I was finally happy and tried to ride in the living room for maybe just
10 feet and something amazing happened -- the front handler bar cannot bite
onto head tube! That is, no matter how much tighter I tried to wind up the
screw, as soon as I make a turn, the handle bar is off and would become
exactly crist-cross with the tire. How am I supposed to ride a bike like
this on the street, without turning anywhere, I suppose?

I am just very frustrated right now, because after a good whole month I have
a pretty-looking bike sitting in my living room but I can't ride it at all.
I have bought all nine yards of accesories that totally cost even more than
the bike but now all $400 worth of products including the bike are for show
only. As much as I think you are doing a good business, the process is just
very inefficient, which renders the whole purchasing experience unpleasant.
Now that the bike has a handle bar that won't stay put, I am not sure I want
to go through another whole month of hassle. I am sure your business is in
good shape and is willing to help your customers with these unintentional
problems. If you can fix this by simply ship me a new one and pay for the
return shipping for the broke one, I will give it another shot. Or expedite
to me another handle bar, brake lever and brake wire. Or however you can fix
this problem. But I am really tired of waiting and summer is short.

Thank you.




Tags: 美國

All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-06-14T18:35
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-06-16T06:23
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-06-16T19:35
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-06-19T01:52
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-06-23T16:52
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-06-28T10:18
$400! 我還在找機會去Target/Walmart買$60的廉價自行車.
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-07-01T11:34
400! 我的腳踏車25 ... XD
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2008-07-04T18:19
我的也是Target 59.99的mountain bike
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-07-05T04:37
George avatar
By George
at 2008-07-09T19:58
有裝車的經驗蠻容易screw up的,廉價的車學費比較便宜 :)
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-07-12T07:35
$400直接去專賣店裡牽已經可以買到很好的 還會免費幫你喬
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-07-15T14:11
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2008-07-19T09:35
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-07-24T08:35
John avatar
By John
at 2008-07-27T17:07


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-06-11T23:52
※ 引述《tingra (小兔)》之銘言: : 最近越來越少人在討論H1了 : 離6/2也過了一陣子 不知道waiting list和退回申請書什麼時候才會開始 : 請問有人有消息嗎? ...

[草案] 美國STEM學歷畢業有 offer 就有綠卡?!

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-06-10T00:33
http://0rz.tw/724hW Google loses in H-1B lottery as Congress gets new visa push 摘錄: and#34;The Senate legislation, unveiled Thursday by Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Judd Gregg (R ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-06-09T23:38
因為之前住美國nyc 很愛看美國電視 但現在住台北看不到 請問有沒有在美國的留學生或華僑 想透過網路收看台灣電視? 希望可以和你交換美國電視看。 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-06-09T18:40
※ 引述《eljoven (ham)》之銘言: : 政府也不是傻子 : 如果你持非台灣護照出境,也許查不出來你人不在台灣 : 如果你持台灣護照出境,戶役政系統都 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-06-09T10:59
: ※ 編輯: yohowo 來自: (06/08 13:24) : 推 HYL:電池技術進步的比內燃機還慢,要寄望於電池技術的進步更是Orz 06/08 14:32 : 推 kruz:所以� ...