0.7/字_筆_英翻中_商業合約_共3頁 - 翻譯

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-11-12T15:05

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[必]工 作 量:約940字
[必]涉及語言 : 英譯中
[必]截 稿 日:11/17/2015
[選]試 譯 文:Non- disclosure and Indemnification Agreement
This Non-disclosure and Indemnification Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and
entered into by and betweenompal Electronics, Inc.?(“CEI”), a Taiwanese co
rporation with a principal place of business at嘅o. 581, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu D
istrict, Taipei City 11492, Taiwan, R.O.C.乸nd _______________________________
,a _________________ corporation having its principal office at ______________

____________________ (Supplier).
WhereasEI氽esires to purchase some products from Supplier, in consideration
of the mutual covenants and terms herein contained, both parties hereby agree
as follows:

請版上專業的鄉民幫忙, ,如有違反版還請不另指教,謝謝。


Tags: 翻譯

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Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-11-11T21:41
────────────────────────────────────── [必]工 作 量: 11/18 12:30~14:00 [必]工作報酬: 1.5 hr / 2500 NTD [必 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-11-11T21:31
────────────────────────────────────── [必]前次自介: 初次 [必]工作身分: 兼職/筆譯 [必]服務內容及 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-11-11T14:23
※ 本發文格式僅供單一譯案特約使用。長期或固定聘僱徵才請選用 [徵才] 發文格式。 ※ 發文前務必先讀過版規與費率公告。 標註 [必] 是必填,[選] �� ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-11-10T23:00
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定:Yes * 如已讀過,請填 YES * 如未讀過,請讀過再重新發文。未填視為未�� ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2015-11-09T23:44
各位大大好! 請問一下 如果是翻譯那種醫學方面文件, 有表格, 像是接種疫苗之類的資料文件, 都是如何計價呢? (中文翻成英� ...