0.8/字_英譯中_設計雜誌_2500字與4500字 - 翻譯

By Zenobia
at 2015-01-09T14:06
at 2015-01-09T14:06
Table of Contents
[必]工 作 量: 大約2700字與4500字各一篇
[必]工作報酬: 0.8/英文字
[必]涉及語言: 英譯中
[必]所屬領域: 設計趨勢、科技新知(些許)
[必]文件類型: 雜誌文章
[必]截 稿 日: 20140119台北時間12點
[必]應徵期限: 1/11晚上22:00
[必]聯絡方式: [email protected]
[必]付費方式: 配合公司請款流程,2015/02/15匯款
[選]工作要求: 希望能在16號傳部份稿件確認進度
2700字文章 http://goo.gl/FllRyw
4500字文章 http://goo.gl/O7P8zQ
皆參考用原文網頁 (翻譯時會附上完整版的PDF)
O’Donnell-Hoare believes that many brands are
missing the point of 3D printing as they try to shoehorn it
into existing industries, without considering the practical
benefit. “Fashion brands seem hell-bent on incorporating
3D printing into shows, but it’s not that appropriate. It
doesn’t lend itself to making fabrics as well as traditional
methods of weaving do,” he says. “However, inspiration can
be taken from this. Car manufacturers have devised ways
to create 3D knits that hold their shape, and can be used
to create lightweight car seats.”
These shorter micro-level cycles of taste and 'fingerspitzengef梶l' [a
German term - literally 'fingertips feeling' - that refers to an innate flair
or sophistication] detract from timeless values of quality and beauty,
momentarily resulting in anti-design and brutality in execution. It will
shock us for a while before we get bored and start over. It's all programmed
in time, in the nature of how things change. And as all of this is happening,
as the designers around the world are running faster and faster to chase
these ephemeral variables of perceived perfection in their artefacts, one
thing will always remain the same: the human condition.
[選]試 譯 文:
[必]工 作 量: 大約2700字與4500字各一篇
[必]工作報酬: 0.8/英文字
[必]涉及語言: 英譯中
[必]所屬領域: 設計趨勢、科技新知(些許)
[必]文件類型: 雜誌文章
[必]截 稿 日: 20140119台北時間12點
[必]應徵期限: 1/11晚上22:00
[必]聯絡方式: [email protected]
[必]付費方式: 配合公司請款流程,2015/02/15匯款
[選]工作要求: 希望能在16號傳部份稿件確認進度
2700字文章 http://goo.gl/FllRyw
4500字文章 http://goo.gl/O7P8zQ
皆參考用原文網頁 (翻譯時會附上完整版的PDF)
O’Donnell-Hoare believes that many brands are
missing the point of 3D printing as they try to shoehorn it
into existing industries, without considering the practical
benefit. “Fashion brands seem hell-bent on incorporating
3D printing into shows, but it’s not that appropriate. It
doesn’t lend itself to making fabrics as well as traditional
methods of weaving do,” he says. “However, inspiration can
be taken from this. Car manufacturers have devised ways
to create 3D knits that hold their shape, and can be used
to create lightweight car seats.”
These shorter micro-level cycles of taste and 'fingerspitzengef梶l' [a
German term - literally 'fingertips feeling' - that refers to an innate flair
or sophistication] detract from timeless values of quality and beauty,
momentarily resulting in anti-design and brutality in execution. It will
shock us for a while before we get bored and start over. It's all programmed
in time, in the nature of how things change. And as all of this is happening,
as the designers around the world are running faster and faster to chase
these ephemeral variables of perceived perfection in their artefacts, one
thing will always remain the same: the human condition.
[選]試 譯 文:
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