1.1字/中翻英/ 材料工程文件/約7000字 - 翻譯

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2016-05-03T01:15

Table of Contents

[必]工 作 量: 約7000字
[必]所屬領域:材料/工程/ 領域包含鑄造 鍛造 焊接 成型 模具之技術
[必]文件類型:專書 (為其中數個章節)
[必]截 稿 日:本週日
3.校稿時請使用WORD的“追蹤修訂”功能 如果覺得譯文有需要調整之處,或者是譯文建
議,皆歡迎提出,請也使用"附註"功能 ^_^ 如果直接修改而無說明,會造成原PO無法判

[選]試 譯 文:請先試校以下段落
成形 技術

The R & D focus of 2015 is on development of high-value materials and innovati
ve key molding process technology development, including Ni-Ti alloy material
and process technology, anisotropic Nd-Fe-B magnet material molding and magnet
izing technology, high-precision tooth profile smart molding technology, ultra
high-strength steel hot stamping molding technology development and thin strip
synchronous servo material feeding and pulling modules and others, which can
be applied to relevant key products, such as orthopaedic implants, ring shape
high magnetic energy product magnet, high-precision spiral gear, ultrahigh-str
ength steel hot stamped parts and development of innovative material feeding a
nd pulling mechanism and others, so as to support development of domestic adva
nced medical devices, motors, tools and machines, electronics, automobiles, mo
torcycles, electrocar and other relevant industries, and assist Taiwanese indu
stry in initiating new application and development opportunities, thereby form
ing new industrial value chain.


Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-05-06T06:47

請問筆譯柬譯中 合理行情

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-05-02T10:53
各位前輩大家早安 小弟現在待的公司因為業務需要 要徵求兩個月左右的柬語(高棉語)短期工讀生 工作內容是到柬埔寨政府或相關網頁搜尋資料,然後� ...

1.2/字 英譯日_一般書信

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2016-05-01T10:35
─────── 發表文章時,請按 Ctrl+Y 刪除本行以上內容 ────────── [必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守 ...

推薦aboa 留學文件SOP/CV編修

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-04-30T10:58
◎帳號(譯者或案主):brian6212 ◎評價(正評或負評):★★★★★ ○事由: 編修留學文件:SOP andamp; CV or 短篇essay 當初會找上aboa是因為其豐富的編修�� ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2016-04-29T23:13
想請問版上高手們 如果有段影片約8分鐘, 想要從日文翻成中文跟英文 (就是做字幕) 這樣費用要如何計算啊? 因為版上似乎很少同時翻譯兩種語言�� ...

中譯英 一字1.8元 碩士推薦信

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-04-29T23:05
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定:YES [必]工 作 量: 200~500字 [必]工作報酬: 無相關背景者1.8 具相關背景者2.2 [ ...