1.6-1.8/字_英對中_學術文章、專業書籍 - 翻譯

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2012-11-06T11:17

Table of Contents

※ 標題格式:[譯者] ID_語系與服務內容_擅長領域
範例:[譯者] abcdefg_筆譯 英中互譯_法律醫學
      (按 Ctrl-X 發文時、文章發表後,都可按大 T 修改標題。)
Professional editing of English manuscripts to help you express complex ideas
with clarity and precision, readying your work for publication in academic
journals / 1.6-1.8NT per word

[必]試  譯:抱歉無法,
[必]聯絡方式:Email: [email protected] Cell: 0-961-324-301
[必]學  歷:Rutgers University, MA History Department (History of Science)

Over ten years experience helping Taiwan scholars bring their work to
publication in English. I have worked with scholars at National Taiwan
University, Academia Sinica, Taipei Medical University and Taipei Veterans
General Hospital.
I also coach business people and academics to develop the oral communication
skills you need for specific work-related tasks. I am fluent in spoken

I recently edited Taiwan Since Martial Law: Society, Culture, Politics,
Economy, a collection of essays published by UC Berkeley and NTU presses that
can be viewed online at: http://issuu.com/ntupress/docs/9789868805507.

I authored the following paper:
“Still bargaining over cost”: bargaining, etiquette and the modern patient
in Republican Beijing” in Asian Medicine, 1(2) 355-386 (2006)

I co-authored the following papers:

“Lower utilization of cervical cancer screening among nurses in Taiwan: a
nationwide population based study” with Shiu-Dong Chung and Herng-Ching Lin
in Preventive Medicine 53(1-2):82-4, 2011

“Risk of mortality among depressed younger patients: a five-year follow up
study” with Hsiu-Ju Chang and Herng-Ching Lin in Journal of Affective
Disorders 113(3):8 (2009)

“Urbanization and the likelihood of a cesarean section” with Chin-Shyan
Chen, Herng-Ching Lin, Tsai-Ching Liu, Shiyng-Yu Lin in European Journal of
Obstetrics & Gynecology 141(2):7 (2008)

“An increased risk of stroke among young schizophrenia patients” with
Herng-Ching Lin, Fei-Hsiu Hsiao, Yi-Ting Hwang, Hsin-Chien Lee in
Schizophrenia Research Vol. 101, Issue 1, p. 234-241 April 2008


Tags: 翻譯

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2012-11-05T13:48
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定: 請填 YES ────────────────────────────� ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-11-05T09:18
個人徵求-長期 [必]工作類型:筆譯 [必]全/兼職:兼職 [必]涉及語言:英文 [必]所屬領域:社會科學.心理教育 [必]報酬計算:可與譯者討論 ────� ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-11-04T22:43
謝謝大家的來信 我朋友已經有聯絡譯者了 所以目前已徵得 謝謝 我不需要逐字翻譯 我只要將文章翻成3500字左右的大綱 大概12字型的A4 共4張左右 但�� ...

urasima727 筆譯日翻中小說法律生活旅遊

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2012-11-04T20:19
※ 注意事項: 1.本文格式僅供譯者自我介紹,不可介紹他人。   2. [必] 表示必填項目, [選] 表示選填項目。 ──────── 發表文章時,請刪 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2012-11-04T15:25
[必]工 作 量:700~~1000字 [必]工作報酬:1/中文 [必]工作類型:筆譯 [必]涉及語言:日文 [必]所屬領域:無專業名詞 [必]工作性質:履歷 [必]截 稿 日:越 ...