1000_筆_潤稿改寫_提案_約四頁_0306 - 潤稿

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2021-03-03T10:18

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[必]工 作 量: 約四頁 (12字體單行高)
[必]工作報酬: 一頁約520字,抓整數整份完成1000元
[必]涉及語言: 英
[必]所屬領域: 化學化工工程
[必]文件類型: 提案
[必]截 稿 日: 2021 03 06 (4號才能給稿)
[必]應徵期限: 徵到為止
[必]聯絡方式: 請任選a或b段落潤稿改寫後直接站內信聯繫
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[選]試 譯 文: 請任選a或b段落潤稿改寫後直接站內信聯繫

Glycerol with high purity has a wide application in various industry such as
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food products. However, the percentage of
purity of the glycerol from the biodiesel industry is limiting its conversion
to a high valued product. The crude glycerol contains a large number of
contaminants such as soap, salts, ethanol, methanol, water, fatty acid,
methyl esters, glycerides, and ash. Yang et al. (2012) stated that the
impurities in the crude glycerol could greatly influence its conversion into
other value-added products. Venkataramanan et al. (2012) also reported that
soaps in the crude glycerol have a strong inhibitory effect on the
utilization of the glycerol by bacteria, which affects the performance of
crude glycerol as the carbon source in the fermentation process.

the most commonly used processes are distillation, ion exchange resin,
membrane separation technology, acidification, followed by neutralization and
solvent extraction. Acidification is a commonly used technique to neutralize
the impurities like catalyst into inorganic salt. Besides acidification, it
is also able to reduce the amount of soaps by converting them into insoluble
free fatty acid as they can adversely impact the separation and cause loss of
yield. Since acidification process does not remove all impurities, it needs a
further purification step to remove other impurities like methanol, oil,
water, and ester. However, the distillation process has some limitation over
others as it requires high energy input for vaporization and causes thermal
decompositions. Besides, high vacuum is also required in distillation to
prevent high-temperature denaturation of glycerol through acrolein formation.

Tags: 潤稿

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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2021-03-04T16:05
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2021-03-07T15:45


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2021-02-28T23:41
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大推Jacob Wu潤稿留學SOP

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-02-28T15:09
◎ 項目為必填項目,詳細請參閱 ◎帳號(譯者或案主):Jacob Wu ◎評價(正評或負評):正評,大推! --------正文開始----------- Steve Jobs說� ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2021-02-26T00:42
[必]我已經讀過置底版規、參考費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定: YES ───────────────────────────────── ...

推薦 wendnesdoa 生統 SOP/CV/LOR翻譯潤稿

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2021-02-09T16:45
◎帳號(譯者或案主):wendnesdoa(Wendy Wu) ◎評價(正評或負評):正評! ○事由: 除了基本該過的三圍門檻,申請學校第二重要的就是SOP, CV跟推薦信的文� ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2021-02-03T13:39
◎帳號(譯者或案主):Christine ◎評價(正評或負評):正評(非常推薦) ○事由: 經過朋友介紹,然後自己也上ptt搜尋相關文章,後來決定請Christine幫忙pro ...