Broadcom on Monday said it offered to buy Qualcomm for $70 per - 工程師

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-11-06T20:44

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Communications chipmaker Broadcom on Monday said it offered to buy smartphone chip supplier Qu

alcomm for $70 per share or $103 billion in cash and stock, in what would be the biggest technology acquisition ever.

A tie-up would combine two of the largest makers of wireless communications chips for mobile phones and raise the stakes for Intel, which has been diversifying into smartphone technology from its stronghold in computers.

Broadcom’s offer is at a premium of 27.6% to Qualcomm’s closing price of $54.84 on Thursday, a day before media reports of a potential deal pushed up the company’s shares.

Qualcomm shareholders would get $60 in cash and $10 per share in Broadcom shares. Including debt, Broadcom’s bid values the transaction at $130 billion.

“In our view, $70 per share wouldn’t be sufficient,” Nomura Instinet analyst Romit Shah wrote in a client note.

Qualcomm is trying to close its $38 billion acquisition of NXP Semiconductors, one of the largest makers of chips for vehicles and expanding into self-driving technology.

Broadcom said its proposal stands irrespective of Qualcomm’s acquisition of NXP goes through or not.

Shah believes Broadcom would encourage Qualcomm to complete its NXP acquisition as it has extensive distribution channels, scale, and exposure to the fastest growing segments in automotive, where Broadcom is underpenetrated.

Broadcom said BofA Merrill Lynch, Citi, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan, and Morgan Stanley have advised that they are highly confident that they will be able to arrange the necessary debt financing for the proposed transaction.

Qualcomm shares, which traded over $70 as recent as December 2016, closed at $61.81 on Friday.


All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-11-07T06:39
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-11-12T01:16
簡直就像勇士跟騎士合併成一隊 其他人可以洗洗睡了
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-11-15T03:40
Hock Tan真是購併魔人
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-11-15T19:47
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-11-18T11:19
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-11-20T19:29
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-11-24T11:20
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2017-11-27T12:14
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-11-27T17:11
騎士今年有點慘欸 近6場贏1場還是靠LBJ無雙到底才贏
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2017-11-28T22:36


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By Damian
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