JEDDAH - 國貿工作討論

By Megan
at 2008-08-31T00:53
at 2008-08-31T00:53
Table of Contents
Back to the main topic, my suggestions are:
1. To understand your products in detail and read the catalogues carefully.
It will help you introduce your company and prodcuts more precisely.
If you have any questions, please ask for your senior colleagues' help.
Or seek for your boss/supervisor.
2. To inform your customers for your upcoming visits.
3. To settle down the meeting time and confirm once again before being abroad.
4. Schedule the topics for the meetings.
Meanwhile, you should read the previous contact files as much as possible.
It will help you understand better for the current situation.
5. Consult your boss/supervisor to double check the content of the topics.
At the same time, ask your boss if there is any further issues he will add in.
6. Schedule the whole biz plan.
It will include time and to-do-issues, traffic info (Flight, hotel... etc.),
contact infos of your customers planing to visit and discussing issues.
Don't forget to ask for double confirmation to your boss/supervisor.
Any other questions, please feel free to contact via private email.
All Comments

By Erin
at 2008-09-03T06:21
at 2008-09-03T06:21

By Lucy
at 2008-09-06T11:48
at 2008-09-06T11:48

By Tom
at 2008-09-09T17:16
at 2008-09-09T17:16

By Hazel
at 2008-09-12T22:43
at 2008-09-12T22:43

By Ingrid
at 2008-09-16T04:11
at 2008-09-16T04:11

By Dora
at 2008-09-19T09:39
at 2008-09-19T09:39

By Noah
at 2008-09-22T15:06
at 2008-09-22T15:06

By Lauren
at 2008-09-25T20:34
at 2008-09-25T20:34
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