Latitude代徵Goldman Japan CRMA - 加班

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-10-19T00:02

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Latitude People 株式会社

Address: 東京都港區南麻布4-12-25

Job Title: Goldman Sachs Japan, Analyst, Finance, Credit Risk Management and
Advisory (CRMA)

Job Summary and Responsibilities

✓ Protect the firm's capital by using in-depth knowledge of the firm’s
clients, markets and trading products to determine risk tolerance.
✓ Assess the financial strength of the firm's trading counterparties and
monitor industry trends.
✓ Meet with companies to conduct due diligence as part of ongoing oversight
or transactional requests.
✓ Analyze the risks inherent in the products the firm’s trades
✓ Monitor and report on the firm's trading exposure across products, sectors
and regions.
✓ Coordinate with Sales & Trading, Legal, Operations and Compliance to
protect against default and minimize potential losses.
✓ Working as an analyst, you will have the opportunity to work on several
teams covering different industries and/or products. Industry teams include,
but are not limited to, financial institutions, hedge funds, industrials,
municipals, natural resources, real estate and sovereigns. Product teams
include, but are not limited to, commodities, credit derivatives, equity
derivatives, foreign exchange, funding and swaps.

Basic Qualifications
✓ Bachelor's degree from top universities
✓ Strong work ethic
✓ Fluent/Native English and conversational Japanese
✓ Strong analytical and communication skills, both oral and written
✓ Flexibility, creative thinking and the ability to learn quickly
✓ Strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple
assignments concurrently
✓ Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint and Word

薪資(保證最低年薪):JPY 6-10mn
公司分紅與獎金: Negotiable
加班費制度: 符合日本當地法規

聯絡方式:[email protected]
或參加 10/22之工作說明會


All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2016-10-21T09:04

Latitude代徵JP Google Online Specialis

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2016-10-18T23:57
Latitude People 株式会社 Address: 東京都港區南麻布4-12-25 Job Title: Google Japan, Online Specialist, Global Customer Experience Responsibilities: ‧ Prioritize and deliver outstanding ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2016-10-17T15:08
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Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-10-16T22:28
年底將近,而日本就業市場也進入瘋狂搶人的階段,Latitude Career 透過與業界堅強合 作的關係,網羅了超過五百個一流公司的職缺,以下幾個讓大家參�� ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-10-14T07:05
常看到網路上說日本所得稅高 所以我好奇到底有多高,畢竟稅後所得才是更重要的 研究了一下 在板上搜尋所得稅關鍵字 看到有人貼了稅率表http://ww ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-10-14T01:01
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