Soda Labs 徵求多位軟體工程師 1M-2M - 工程師

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2019-03-14T11:34

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Soda Labs 硬體新創孵化器徵才中!

公司名稱:Soda Labs 蘇打工坊
工作地點:臺北市萬華區開封街 2 段 64 號二樓


Soda Labs is a connected hardware startup studio. We focus on creating new
companies from internal ideas, involving cloud-connected digital hardware.

We work directly with the world's largest electronics manufacturers,
leveraging our proprietary connected display platform, including front-end
applications, data management and analytics, backend device management, and
high quality hardware.

Our founding team includes engineering and design leadership from Google,
Mozilla, Razer, Postmates, and Lookout. Soda Labs is funded by leading VC and
strategic investors and based in both Taipei and Los Angeles.


Soda Labs is a connected hardware startup studio. We focus on creating
companies from internal ideas. Our products involve cloud-connected digital
hardware, and we aim to rapidly validate product-market fit with connected
hardware products.

Our current product portfolio includes:
Nimble: Collaborative displays that get meetings started faster.
Primary Features:
1. Collaboration (Whiteboard)
2. Presentation (Wired/Wireless Casting)
3. Conference Call (Video Conferencing)
4. Remote Control and Update

Sparkpoint: Digital kiosks that display interactive ads inside off-premise
retail stores for alcohol.
Primary Features:
1. Show Interactive Alcohol Ads
2. Collect User Engagement
3. Remote Control and Update

Admin Portal: Allow Admins to control field displays from a web portal
Primary Features:
1. Remote Software update (firmware, system apps, content such as ads and
2. Remote Device Monitoring (logs, connectivity, engagement)
3. Remote Device Control (update schedule, screenshots, brightness control)


Our values are to here to ensure we are growing as strong individuals and
together as a strong team

Personal Ownership - A small group of dedicated, talented people can move

Documentation - Everyone is responsible for documentation. Good documentation
leads to consistent results, clear processes, and better knowledge sharing

Focus - People work best when they're given a single task and the right

Continuous Learning - We believe that people are never done learning and

Earn Trust - Listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat every single
person respectfully

Open, Clear Communication - Providing transparent, clear, and regular
communication to everyone allows everyone to move confidently in the same
direction, avoiding confusion and doing unnecessary work

User-First Excellence - Focus on (and identify!) the user and all else will

Track, Measure, and Analyze - Data wins over experience wins over opinion

Company Health Transparency - about what's going on at the company, the good
and the bad, with everyone. No sugarcoating.

Fun - We don't take ourselves too seriously. We have fun. We laugh and are
playful, even when struggling with big challenges.

Our mission is to make our physical world more connected.
Although our lives are increasingly digital, the world is still mostly
analog. At Soda Labs, we are changing that by incubating companies that can
take connected hardware products to scale. We collaborate with the world's
top OEMs on digital hardware, developing software and scalable business
models, while our partners handle hardware development and manufacturing.


1. Quality Assurance Engineer
年薪範圍: 750,000-950,000 NTD/Y

2. Senior Back-End Engineer
年薪範圍: 1,050,000-2,000,000 NTD/Y



1. Back-End Engineer

2. Quality Assurance Engineer





1. Highly competitive pay, including salary, bonuses, and equity
2. Learn how to scale a startup from experienced Silicon Valley entrepreneurs
3. Continuous learning opportunities, including classes and conferences
4. Perks including meals, events, and services
5. Monthly custom perk allowance
6. Unlimited vacation policy


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高通、環旭和華碩攜手推QSiP手機  搶進系統級封裝

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2019-03-14T11:14
美晶片大廠高通,攜手環旭和華碩(2357)於巴西聖保羅,宣布全球首款採用高通系統級 封裝Snapdragon SiP 1的智慧機ZenFone Max Shot和ZenFone Max Plus (M2)發表, 同時 高通和環旭共同組建的合資企業Semicondutores Avançadosdo Bra ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2019-03-14T10:28
親愛的受訪者,您好! 這是國立宜蘭大學經營管理碩士論文研究的一部份,主要係探討「群眾募資專案投資意願 的影響因素」,請依您個人的看法回答即可。您的支持將對本研究提供莫大助益,衷心期 盼您在百忙中撥冗協助。您所提供的任何資訊僅供學術研究使用,絕對保密。謹致上衷心 的謝忱。 敬祝 健康順心、萬事如意! 【問卷目 ...

一份合約各自表述 挑起了微軟與鴻海間的

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-03-14T09:26
一句話 不想付 有家公司以前幫國外代工手機 每台都要付給 3gpp forum 權利金 後來不做手機 就擺明不付了 反正以後也不會再做手機 就這樣 不付省成本 鴻海如果現在還要代工微軟產品 保證馬上付錢 現在就是擺明以後不會做你的東西 不付咬我 ※ 引述《kaube (轉眼之間)》之銘言: : ...

一份合約各自表述 挑起了微軟與鴻海間的

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2019-03-14T07:58
原文連結: 一份合約各自表述 挑起了微軟與鴻海間的紛爭 原文內容: 微軟(Microsoft)狀告鴻海,這件軟體服務界大老與代工組裝業龍頭之間的紛爭,雖然雙 方都說得有理,卻讓許多人看得是一頭霧水。畢竟整件事情,發展迄今前後長達9年,涉 及到的不僅是微軟與鴻海, ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2019-03-14T03:02
大家好,我們是成功大學商學院學生, 希望藉由此問卷分析出顧客族群與看法。 本問卷填答時間約為5~8分鐘, 所有資料僅提供於商業競賽研究分析,敬請放心作答。 問卷名稱:保險商品購買意願與動機調查 研究目的:分析青年族群對於保險科技、保險商品之接受程度、購買意願與看法,同時也欲了解青年 族群對科技體驗的看法。 ...