Xing mobility 行競科技徵求ME及PM - 面試

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2015-11-17T21:16

Table of Contents

【公司名稱】Xing Mobility 行競科技

【需求職缺】1. Program Manager/Engineering secretary 1 名
2. Mechanical Engineer 1 名


【工作時間】日班,08:30~17:30 (周休二日)



‧ Reports to CTO. Utilize project timelines to coordinate with clients,
suppliers and project engineering team to determine production schedule and
‧ Defines resources and schedule for program implementation.
‧ Plans and schedule project deliverables, goals and milestones.

You will work in a small team in a fast paced environment. You will report to
an American manager who is also an engineer. We are results focused with no
weekly reports, paper work or office politics.

薪資: 4萬~10萬

2. You will be responsible for mechanical engineering support for Xing
Mobility's electric racing vehicle battery. You will lead design of the
battery module test devices along with assisting on the design of the
external cooling of the battery system. You along with all Xing Mobility
engineers are responsible for the design, from initial sketch through the
manufacturing process until the completion of testing of your components.

薪資: 4萬~10萬

請準備一份英文簡歷以及一些相關的作品寄到 [email protected] ,收到後會儘快


All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2015-11-22T04:46
這是那家 Xing 嗎? 很久了耶, xingplayer 播 VCD
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-11-25T21:18
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2015-11-26T03:29
感覺很強~ 假想敵是Tesla嗎!?
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2015-11-26T07:51


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2015-11-17T19:06
先說說背景 小弟112物理碩 在國外住過 英語能力應該還算可以 對於RD研究方面的工作還算可以接受 但更喜歡,有機會和各國人用英語溝通,類似於產品 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2015-11-17T17:32
大家好~目前科科碩材料所,旭德是我第一間面試的公司,很幸運就面試上了 面試時的主管跟人資小姐給人的感覺都很親切,在跟主管面談的過成中學習到許 ...

台灣有勁生技執行長 詹佳翰博士專訪

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2015-11-17T17:16
圖文好讀版 基因線上 GENEONLINE: 今天基因線上Gene Online Asia 很榮幸的訪問到台灣有勁生物科技公司 yourgene Bioscience的執行長 詹佳翰 博�� ...

面試心得 台積電/晶睿/喬鼎/晨星...(下)

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2015-11-17T16:34
最後一段了 最後很高興也有想去的公司~~~ --- 台積電(TSMC) 面試職缺:DTPIT工程師 千呼萬喚,等待已久的台積電面試,很興奮也很緊張,我也想�� ...

面試心得 大立/義隆/晶心/環鴻/QNAP(中)

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2015-11-17T14:49
前情提要 再次介紹一下小弟個人背景 鳳梨大學資工系 115資工所-智慧型計算與人機互動實驗室 --- 大立光電(LARGAN) 面試職缺:軟體工程師 小�� ...