台灣生技的未來==> how about FDA drug-diagnostic codevelop - 生技

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2005-12-26T22:59

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※ 引述《echo (KEEP WALKING)》之銘言:

: 不好好為人民的用藥把關,反而為產業界著想,這實非人民之福。
: 扯的遠了~ 台灣生技製藥產業的未來在哪? 在各位的壯志雄心之中。

對不起,小弟打字慢,to put it in English

Why not try recently draft from FDA April 2005

April 8, 2005 FDA published a Drug Diagnostic Co-development Concept Paper

Taiwan should put focus on diangostic kits
less effort and capital,easier to success, comparing the biomarkers
discoveries and labeling new drug

For example,
irresa (EGFR-TKI) its responsive mutations (exon 18-21, caltalytic kinase
binding) are recongized and confirmed. Even its resistence mutations are
also reported (NEJM, 2005).

In view of long listed EGFR-TKIs in the phrase II, III, and even downstream
inhibitors in trails and development (JCO, 2005),

there is considerable clinical demand in selecting optial drug for right
patient, i.e. pharmacogenomics or personalized medicine
(molecular typing of cancer as clinical antibiotics sensitivies tests)

Given example of FDA appoved first phamacogenetic diagnostic kits
(Roche and Affymetrix) together with FDA MAQC project schedule (translating
microarray into clinical practice in end of 2007 or early 2008) and
FDA multiplex tests draft (2003 Feb),

pharmacogenomics or personalized medicine (highly racial difference)
is going to realized in the near future.

Comments are welcomed.


Stanley CY Peck, MD (heading for further Ph.D)

Tags: 生技

All Comments

Re: 有人說台灣生技的未來不是製藥

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2005-12-26T09:38
抱歉版主,一系列回文似有脫離原本標題的傾向。一聊就聊開了~ ^^||b ※ 引述《chairman (無止境的奮戰)》之銘言: : E大所言甚是阿 心有戚戚焉 : 說實� ...

Re: 有人說台灣生技的未來不是製藥

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2005-12-26T02:39
※ 引述《echo (KEEP WALKING)》之銘言: : 藥品審核在 FDA 基本上是三十天後 FDA 沒有消息大概都會確認OK。 : 同時,他們在上市之後還有上市後�� ...

Re: 有人說台灣生技的未來不是製藥

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2005-12-25T23:06
※ 引述《chairman (無止境的奮戰)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《echo (KEEP WALKING)》之銘言: : 藥品臨床試驗的審核當然要嚴謹 : 但是更要有透明且公正的遊戲規則 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2005-12-25T17:52
好好把你的電機學好 生物的東西真有興趣 先修課就可以了 沒有基本功就要做研究 危險 以前去某校聽某國立大學資工系的教授演講當時最熱門的生物 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2005-12-25T13:54
各位版友好 我是碩一的學生 現在正在電機系一個作微機電的實驗室 但其實大學時期 我對生物還滿有興趣 只是擔心在台灣不好找工作 想說走光電 然後 ...