徵求熟悉電子量測儀器與應用的譯者 - 翻譯
![Vanessa avatar](/img/cat4.jpg)
By Vanessa
at 2013-05-09T09:42
at 2013-05-09T09:42
Table of Contents
[必]企業/組織全名:個人徵求 (若為個人徵求性質,請填「個人徵求」,以下4項免填)
[必]負 責 人:
[必]地 址:
[必]電 話:
[選]傳 真:
[必]所屬領域:電子, 電機, 量測儀器等領域的英翻中譯者
[必]報酬計算:以翻譯後之稿件計酬,每個中文字 NT$0.6
[必]應徵條件:請試譯下方內容,並mail至[email protected],謝謝
[必]聯 絡 人:楊小姐,[email protected]
[必]聯絡方式:請mail至[email protected]
1. Because the I2C serial protocol is widely used today in mixed-signal
embedded designs for chip-to-chip communication between a variety of
peripheral ICs to microcontrollers, microprocessors and DSPs, it transfers
many bits of data serially; it can be very difficult to unravel what’s
happening in an embedded system with a traditional oscilloscope. However, by
using a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO), now there are additional triggering
capabilities and digital timing channels. Hence, it is possible to
synchronize the oscilloscope’s display on specific chirps and verify the
serial data transmissions by using a hardware-based decode solution.
2. When selecting an off-the-shelf dc power supply that can generate dc
transients, dynamic specifications need to be considered. First, the power
stage of the dc power supply needs to have sufficient speed to generate the
designed rate of change of voltage. This specification is often called the
risetime of the power supply or the programming response time of the power
3. Automatic data-logging and report generation
Trace file (.trc) and screenshot (.jpg) can be saved automatically after each
test is completed. If the limit function is used in the test, the pass/fail
result will be recorded. After all tests are completed, a text report will be
generated automatically with test start/end time and date, title of each
test, and key measurement results.
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