歐洲商會2013年台灣薪酬和就業報告 - 工程師

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2013-02-03T20:29

Table of Contents

Full report更是寫出了各行業別與各職位的Salary tables



Taiwan 2013 Salary & Employment Report
星期四, 31 一月 2013

To download today's presentation, please click here.
To download the full report, please click here.

On 22 January, the inaugural Michael Page Salary & Employment Forecast 2013
for Taiwan was released to the media at a press conference and to ECCT
members at a special lunch. The report was produced by Michael Page and
released in association with the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan. The
report, the first on Taiwan, is a key recruitment industry report that has
been released annually to the market in a number of Asia Pacific countries
for more than five years. It is based on both quantitative and qualitative
research, with findings derived via a survey of employers (mostly
multi-national corporations) and insights obtained through Michael Page’s
involvement in the professional employment market. The report is currently
produced for Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Australia and New
Zealand. The main findings of the report were summarized in a presentation by
Dan Chavasse, Regional Managing Director for North Asia at the lunch. Also
speaking at the lunch, Tony Phoo, Economist, Global Market Research, Standard
Chartered Bank (Taiwan) gave some forecasts and insights on Taiwan’s
economic prospects, risks and challenges.


All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2013-02-05T00:45
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-02-07T02:26
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-02-10T01:07


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2013-02-03T19:53
版上這間公司的資訊很稀少 只知道位於五股 離朋友家裡應該蠻近的 但不知道待遇如何 GOOGLE也是沒啥東西 有版大知道嗎? --

紅茶 eps20, 沒年終 = 用愛對員工 ???

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-02-03T18:47
※ 引述《anson1983 (Anson)》之銘言: : 應該是說年薪保證14個月是月薪12+三節2=14, : 至於現在再說的應該是獎金紅利吧~ : 他們失望的應該是沒看到額外的獎 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2013-02-03T18:21
小弟待的公司不是那種非得做到12點才走的 下班時間依照schedual完成度決定,從7~8~9點到 案子緊急時超過12點或是在公司過夜都有 但最近思考我能不能�� ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2013-02-03T17:36
小弟最近面試了兩間都是機構工程相關的 目前最困擾我的是工作內容 所累積的經驗是否有價值? 對於未來的規劃(萬一要換工作) 有什麼樣的影響 這兩 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-02-03T16:48
※ 引述《domodo (OOO)》之銘言: : 分紅費用化的現世報: : 1.員工賺得少繳稅比以前更多,導總所得大幅降低. : 2.收入變少,消費開始緊縮,服務業也大受到影� ...