知名避險基金公司徵研究員(理工科背景佳) - offer

John avatar
By John
at 2012-12-14T11:12

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各位好,敝公司Adecco Personnel協助知名避險公司代徵研究員

職稱:研究員 Quantitative Researcher *3~5 (正職工作)

工作地點: 北京/台北 (公司預計2013年 Q4在台北成立分公司)
年薪:5~6萬美金 (第一年)

Company Profile:
As a Hedge Fund, the Company is pursuing "Absolute Return" investment strategy
(in contrast with a mutual fund is pursuing "Relative Return"). The Company has
consecutive positive yearly return (on average 15% ~ 20%) in last 14 years.
Even in dot.com bubble (2001) and Financial Crisis (2008), they have possitive
return (22.7% and 16.6%). Their fund has very good Sharp Ratio (above 3),
which means they get decent investment return by taking relatively few risks.
The Company is a fund with very steady and good investment performance (only
3% Hedge fund around the world have this steady performance).

公司背景:為一間追求絕對收益的跨國避險公司. 公司收益率一直以來, 維持穩定優異的
報酬率. 即使在科技泡沫 (2001) 和金融海嘯 (2008)的高風險環境下,仍然維持優異的

Opening: Quantitive Researcher
Responsibility: Develop good mathmetic simulation models for financial

- Engineering (EE, CS, ME, etc.) and analytical background (Math, Physics, etc.)
in leading university with at least top 25% Ranking in undergraduate degree.
(Transcript and Ranking certification is needed)
- Outstanding mathmatics academic/ research performances.
- Math/ Phisics Olympic medal winner (International or regional) is a big plus.
- Upper intermediate English communication skills
- Good communication skill in not very necessary

徵才需求: 電機, 資工, 數學, 物理等理工科系背景. 需準備大學成績單和班排名文件證明
有奧林匹亞或數理競賽/ 研究成果是重要加分項目

Annual Salary: USD $50,000~60,000/Yearly

Location: Newly hired employees will be working in Beijing for first 6 months
to 1 year. Candidates could choose to relocate to Taipei after completing
training in Beijing and demonstrate good independent research capability.
Employees with good performance may also be able to apply to relocate to the
US HQ after the second year performance evaluation. Taipei office is going to
be built up in 2003 Q4.


Working Environment:
The Company is like a lab in the university with academic atmosphere. A new
researcher in the Company can choose their own mentor. The company offers new
employees 1~2 years training. They will work on good "formula" together,
develop mathematical models and read academic paper. The trainings employees
can have in the company are very valuable and rarely seen in this industry.
This is a very good envirnment for candidates who like doing quantitative
research and like to co-work with other super braind talents. The growth of
package could be tremendous if employees have good performance. With 6 years
work experience in the company, earning USD 1 million/ yearly is possible.


Interview Process
Hiring Managers will come to Taiwan in 2013 late February or early March.
Candidates who feel interested in knowing more about this opening are very
welcomed to contact Bruce Chiu at Adecco Taiwan to know more details.

有興趣的候選人,請與藝珂人事顧問公司的Bruce Chiu聯繫
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 02-7718-8836

Tags: offer

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2012-12-18T01:27
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-12-20T16:43
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-12-23T21:49

EE PhD 找工作心得

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-12-12T04:13
小弟在板上潛水有一段時間了, 從出國唸書前一直到現在快要畢業, 發現板上關於EE PhD的工作討論, 相較於CS/EE MS的討論是少之又少。 為了讓之後的�� ...

南加 RFIC 面試分享

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2012-12-12T03:54
潛水兩三年, 終於可以回饋一點資訊 希望這對於想找 analog/RFIC 相關工作的板友會有些幫助 -------------------------------------------------- 面試公司: 南加州某� ...

Amazon UX Designer 面試分享

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-12-11T06:24
面試公司: Amazon 面試職位: Sr. User Experience Designer 求職方法: Head Hunter 面試過程: 面試總共有四關 (3關Phone Interviews, 1關on-site Interview) 第一關 Phone ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-12-07T02:14
哈囉 想請教一下 如果我現在正是OPT期間 OPT到明年六月到期 正在做實習 但是尚未有確認的offer 如果我二月需要回台灣一趟再回美國 這樣會有風險嗎? �� ...

問題: Accept offer後改變心意?

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-12-05T01:36
各位版大好 請問如果現在手上有一個offer 覺得看起來也不錯 也考慮簽回他們的Employment agreement 但是因為離畢業還有半年時間 之後可能會找到更合適�� ...