英翻中,徵求區塊鏈虛擬貨幣 - 翻譯

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2019-06-16T18:31

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Blackminer F1 is an FPGA board made by a company called BlackBlock under the b
rand HashAltcoin. This board looks and works similar to an ASIC. Blackminer F1
has two boards with six K7 chips on each.
What's the difference between the VU9P chip and the K7 chip?

LUTS 1,182,000 203,800
Both of the chips are from Xilinx. As we can see from the tables above, VU9P h
as more LUTs compared to K7. So, VU9P can fit bigger algorithm into the chip.
Therefore, price-wise, VU9P is more expensive than K7. With 12 K7 chips inside
F1 Blackminer, F1 is still cheaper than other VU9P boards.

Best Break Even Point (BEP). Priced at $1900 and able to run faster than
other VU9P boards.
Team of Bitstream Developers. They have their own team of developer
s constantly looking for coins worth mining. Currently they have the most bits
treams available, over any other board.
Easy to Use. Just access your F1 IP address and set it all up from there.
No Additional Cooling Needed. The Delta fan is enough to put the board be
low 60C.
No Motherboard Needed. You just need PSU and ethernet. That's all. Really

Loud. The F1 Blackminer is using Delta fan. Average noise is 66-72dB.
High Power Consumption. High electricity rate might hurt your profit a bi
t since this FPGA can draw around 400-650W.
No SDK or community support. F1 is a closed platform and only HashAltcoin
can make bitstreams for these boards.



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