英譯中1.5字人造革檢驗報告(多化學名詞 - 翻譯

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2013-11-28T22:08

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[必]工 作 量: 約七百多,共四頁A4,空白處多
[必]工作報酬: 以英文字計算,每字1.5新台幣。另外因為是表格,外加
[必]涉及語言: 英譯中
[必]所屬領域: 人造革(PVC)拿至德國的檢測報告,比較多化學名詞
[必]文件類型: 檢測報告
[必]截 稿 日: 2013.12.02 (星期一上午)
[必]應徵期限: 2013.11.30 (星期六中午)
[必]聯絡方式: 我人在大陸,一切以SKYPE和郵件聯繫。SKYPE 24小時在線
[必]付費方式: 50%定金。交稿當天,最遲隔天50%付尾款。網路轉帳。


[選]工作要求: 所有內容及專業名詞務求準確,您可以在後面加上自己的註解,
Methods: Chamber emission test: The sample was tested in the emission test
chamber without prior conditioning. After defined times samples of the
chamber air were collected on sorbent tubes (Tenax TA) and analyzed on a
thermal desorption-GC/MS system. Compounds were identified using MS-Spectra
libraries, quantification was done using pure reference compound mixtures.
The described method covers volatile organic compounds from C5 to C22 and
has a limit of determination of approx. 1 ?g/m?. Substances in
the range of C 6 to C16 are reported as VOC, the more volatile ones as
VVOC and those eluting after C16 as SVOC. The measurements were performed
according to DIN EN ISO 16000 part 6, 9 and 11. Results: The quantitative
test results can be found on the next page.

2-Butanone (MEK)
1,2 - Dichloroethane
1,2 - Dichloropropane
N,N - Dimethyl-formamide (DMF)
N,N - Dimethylacetamide
1,3 - Dichloro - 2- propanol
1,2,3 - Trichloropropane

[選]試 譯 文:(100-200字,並不超過全文1/10。嚴禁私下試譯。若未提供請勿刪除)


Tags: 翻譯

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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-11-28T14:17
[必]工 作 量: 約2500字 [必]工作報酬: 1.5元/字 [必]涉及語言: 中譯英 [必]所屬領域: 金融/經濟/統計 [必]文件類型: word檔 [必]截 稿 日: 1周 [必]應�� ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2013-11-28T08:16
[必]工 作 量: 1000字 [必]工作報酬:1500 [必]涉及語言:中譯日 [必]所屬領域: [必]文件類型:自傳 [必]截 稿 日:2013/12/3 [必]應徵期限:2013/11/29 [必]聯� ...

0.6/字 日譯中 講稿 464字

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2013-11-27T18:16
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定: * 如已讀過,請填 YES * 如未讀過,請讀過再重新發文。未填視為未讀�� ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-11-27T14:55
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定:yes ────────────────────────────────� ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2013-11-27T14:08
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