麻煩幫我潤一份英文稿 謝謝 - 翻譯

By Xanthe
at 2015-06-10T21:03
at 2015-06-10T21:03
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I would like to take an opportunity to offer a formal recommendation for
Po-Jen . As the person in charge I have known Po-Jen for approximately two
years and feel that he is a deserving candidate for your master of fine arts
school program.
Po-Jen joined our organization as an entry-level customer service
representative. Demonstrating an incredible initiative and a strong
dedication, he moved up the ranks quickly. After only eight months, he was
promoted to deputy store manager. And he once again showed his ability to
plan. He arranged the fish tank very Attractive and personal characteristics.
He also designed the company's shopping route to be very user friendly.
During his tenure, we saw an increase in profits that break all previous
records. The new revenue was a direct result of the plans implemented by the
To me, Po-Jen is not only an excellent staff, but also a worthy long friend.
When I discussed it with him to the point of view of something, he can be
unprejudiced and use a different angle of the things he told me the view. He
will also use his spare time to enrich themselves, whether it is fiction,
movies, music, concerts, art exhibits etc. various cultural events. For him,
is an opportunity to expand horizons, and therefore he was the same age than
the average people even more diverse and deep.
For these reasons, I believe Po-Jen exhibits many of the qualities that are
essential to creativity and design students. An education at your esteemed
business school will help him hone these qualities, while enhancing his
career opportunities. I highly recommend Po-Jen Tsai for your program and
hope that you will carefully consider admission application.
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