1.2/字_筆_英譯中_論文_3000 - 翻譯

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2013-03-27T16:12

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In this chapter, we explore three examples of applied theatre practice which exhibit contrasting relationships between context, creative intention and research perspective.

An example of practice is contributed by each of the three authors, and the overall argument is informed by separate and detailed conversation between J.H and J.K and C.M respectively.

The first is K's account of This Accursed Thing, a performance that explored new interpretations of MM's collections in response to the transatlantic salve trade and abolition movement.

This project was an outcome of "P,L and H", a research project funded by the A&HRC exploring theatre and performance in museums and heritage sites.

The second is M's discussion of the Sci:dentity Project, and art initiative with young transsexual and transgendered people that explored the science of sex and gender through film, live performance and visual art, carried out by an arts team connected to the CSSD and funded by TWT.

The final example is H's account of A Letter from Home, a musical performance devised with refugees and asylum seekers living in M and originally from CA and the GL region, taking place ar part of "In Place of War", a research project also funded by the A&HRC. This Accursed Thing was a piece of action research that also drew in qualitative social science methods to explore the impact of the performance on learning.

The Sci:dentity Project was a piece of practice that was at the same time a research process led by young people, drawing in performance and visual arts to interrogate the science of sex and gender in collaboration with scientists, medical professionals and artists. A Letter from Home was an example of practice as research that explore a specific question, in this case the relationship between identity, displacement and participation in performance.


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Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-04-01T04:40
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By Lily
at 2013-04-01T12:54


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By Hedy
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