600/千字_英翻中_書籍 - 翻譯

By Isla
at 2021-03-14T21:23
at 2021-03-14T21:23
Table of Contents
[必]工 作 量:約5萬多字 (請載明字數,或估算大約總字數。違者直接刪文。)
[必]所屬領域:心理學/ 宗教
[必]截 稿 日:四月底
[選]參考段落:The situation changes considerably when Japanese say something o
in question. Their context is different. Though it is a historical fact that
Buddhism was transmitted from India by way of China and Korea, Japanese
usually take it to be their traditional religion deeply immersed in their
native mind. Buddhism therefore, though to lesser degree, corresponds to the
function of Christianity in the West. Like the latter, Buddhism in the course
of history has developed its own institutions, has itself been
[選]試 譯 文:(100-200字,並不超過全文1/10。嚴禁私下試譯。若未提供請勿刪除)
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