Latitude代徵Rakuten Data Science PM - 加班

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2016-10-19T00:03

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1O1aNgOR ]

作者: fufu2839 (廖bir) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] Latitude代徵Rakuten Data Science PM
時間: Tue Oct 18 23:55:19 2016

Latitude People 株式会社

Address: 東京都港區南麻布4-12-25

Job Title: Rakuten Japan, Data Science Project Manager

Job Summary and Responsibilities

- Build and execute data strategy for whole group companies
- Visualize of big data knowhow, skills and products
- Match biz needs with skilled team/products
- Plan new service and existing service improvement with team
- Find out common issues and build products to solve
- Communicate with development and business teams and facilitate progress
- Plan and execute operation to achieve business goal with internal/external
- Hire and train data specialists for each business

Basic Qualifications

・ Experience of business expansion project with 10 or more members
・ Strong execution mind with taking responsibility and ownership
・ Open mind for new technology and challenges
・ Flexibility with in fast-speed and multi-task environment
・ Strong interpersonal skills including written and oral communication skills
・ Strong technical skills, including advanced Excel and SQL
・ Fluency in English on business level; TOEIC score over 800
・ Fluency in Japanese on business level

Preferred Qualifications

· Strong analytical skills including broad knowledge of basic statistics and
statistical interpretation of quantitative data
· Experience of project management for big data and/or UI/UX
· Web marketing experience
· Experience working with statistical software packages

薪資(保證最低年薪):JPY 6-10mn
公司分紅與獎金: Negotiable
加班費制度: 符合日本當地法規

聯絡方式:[email protected]
或參加 10/22之工作說明會


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Latitude代徵Goldman Japan CRMA

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-10-19T00:02
Latitude People 株式会社 Address: 東京都港區南麻布4-12-25 Job Title: Goldman Sachs Japan, Analyst, Finance, Credit Risk Management and Advisory (CRMA) Job Summary and Respons ...

Latitude代徵JP Google Online Specialis

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-10-18T23:57
Latitude People 株式会社 Address: 東京都港區南麻布4-12-25 Job Title: Google Japan, Online Specialist, Global Customer Experience Responsibilities: ‧ Prioritize and deliver outstanding ...


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By Genevieve
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