Robert Walters代徵Senior Insurance Consultant - 加班

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-08-23T14:48

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公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填):Robert Walters, 53546368
公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市信義區松智路1號10樓

職缺: Senior Insurance Consultant

Duties and Responsibilities:
- lead team to communicate with client on insurance business requirement analysis & definition, including business processes, products.
- Gather client’s business processes, functional requirements and workflows.
- Manage and track changes to system requirements throughout the development, testing and maintenance life cycle, maintaining accurate documentation at all times.
- Maintain continuous communication with client and developers throughout project lifecycle to ensure final product meets requirements and expected outcomes of the client.
- Collaborate with developers and subject matter experts to establish the technical vision and analyze trade-offs between usability and performance needs.

- At least Bachelor degree in Engineering/ Information Technology/ Business or other related.
- At least five years experience of insurance domain knowledge and consultant skills.
- Ability to work directly with clients.
- Good communication and interpersonal skills.

Salary: 1.2-1.8M, depending on related experience

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否
加班費制度: 比照勞基法

人資或徵才聯絡方式: Ruby Lin of Robert Walters, a global headhunting company.
Dir: +886 2 8758 0706
E-mail: [email protected]

Also welcome to refer any of your friends who might be interested in this role. We will provide NTD10,000 referral fee for each successful placement. : )

Tags: 加班

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錄取得丟逾百封履歷 台新鮮人逾6成無正職

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2017-08-23T13:36 錄取得丟逾百封履歷 台新鮮人逾6成無正職 【大紀元2017年08月22日訊】今年畢業的社會新鮮人邁入社會已近3個月,但能找到滿意 工作的人卻不多,根據人力銀行調查,社會新鮮人有逾6成尚無正職,且若想獲得錄取機 會,約得丟出104封履歷表。 調查結果發現,有60.7%的填答者無正職,其中45.9 ...

MTK 通訊演算/韌體 請教

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-08-23T09:30
※ 引述《sintyy ( )》之銘言: : 最近收到MTK通訊演算部門還有一個好像是通訊韌體部的面試邀約 : 前一次去面試MTK已經是好幾年前了 印象模糊 : 請問有人對該部門較熟悉的嗎 請不吝賜教謝謝 直接把優缺點列出來給你看 這樣你也不必三思了 應該一思就可以做出決定囉 優點: 1.領導們普遍不會擋加班費 (因為你本來就每天都得報) 2.週末要不要報加班是你家的事 (就算週末報了平日 ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-08-23T03:18
我先完整打完面試公司XDD 南亞電/大毅/微邦/超豐/光寶/乾坤/創惟/黑暗騎士/利機/華邦/麵包 所謂百聞不如一見,因為在家很閒,所以就算知道很雷我還是會去看看XD 要當成勸世文我也沒意見XD 簡單敘述一下背景, 小弟國立海大機電碩畢業後進入南神轎擔任PE四年半左右 部門算是半研發類型部門,有機會碰到不同站點;接觸過BM, WB, DA 登出後休息了一陣子 最近暑假才出來試試水 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2017-08-23T02:42
去年就職活動開始就習慣爬Oversea_Job, Japan_Living, Tech_Job等板。 現在入社五個月,分享在日本化學業界工作的情形給大家參考參考。 我的背景: 畢業於� ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2017-08-23T01:35
各位前輩好 小弟我已經做了功課也爬了文 目前有兩個Offer想請前輩提供一點建議 ======================================= 公司 NXP 光陽 職稱 新產品專案工程師 未知 地點 高雄 高雄 薪資 N*14(分紅看情況) N*14~16(年 ...