企管論文 - 翻譯

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-10-18T16:21

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[選]試 譯 文:We extend real options research by introducing the concept
of collective real options and model how collective real options
provide strategic alliances a mechanism to manage social uncertainty│
Collective real options manage social uncertainty by producing relational
small wins that develop trust│ The amount of trust developed by
acquiring a collective real option depends on the exposure of alliance
partners│Alliance partner reputation also plays an important role in the
impact of collectivereal options│


Tags: 翻譯

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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-10-18T10:59
※ 本發文格式僅供單一譯案特約使用。長期或固定聘僱徵才請選用 [徵才] 發文格式。 ─────── 發表文章時,請按 Ctrl+Y 刪除本行以上內容 ──� ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-10-18T00:07
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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2012-10-17T23:15
我不需要逐字翻譯 我只要將文章翻成2000字左右的大綱 但是置底沒有該項費用的明細 如果設定有不對的地方請推文告知 我會立刻改進 ─────── ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-10-17T17:34
[必]工 作 量:380 字英文字翻譯成中文(收到文件後請翻譯檔案中的紅字) [必]工作報酬:270 元 [必]涉及語言:英譯中 [必]所屬領域:發展心理學  ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2012-10-17T15:32
────────────────────────────────────── [必]工作身分:兼職筆譯、校對 [必]服務內容及費率:日翻中;�� ...